toilet paper

Culture everywhere is different.

A couple years ago, I move 2000+ miles. I was still within the same country, just different states.

That was sufficient for the local cuisine to shift (previously Mexican dominate, currently French dominate with a kick of Jewish), and for the water to make me sick for the first month. The lingo also shifted sufficiently for mis-communications to occur (I had no idea that pop and soda were the same thing). It also led to a different religion being dominate, a different ethnicity being dominate, my accent being the one that was 'odd', and my body type being the one that was unusual (previously I was on the short end of average, here I'm positively a midget).

Even a 100 mile range can change things.

Remember, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

I used to work as a janitor at Disneyland.

You'd be surprised how often people did, even when there was a perfectly good roll of toilet paper just one stall over.

I worked as a janitor for a public place as one of my second jobs for quite a while... I didn't talk about it at home...
Did you notice in the toilet scene of "Slum dog millionaire" that the protagonist was talking to the show host upside down through his legs. Guess what he was doing then?


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