Toms or hens??? pix


11 Years
Nov 10, 2008
Western MA
I bought this pair of Narragansetts about a month ago as 5-6 month-old "hens" and am not convinced they are hens, an online picture search yielded lots of pictures of mature turkeys, I am still wondering!

Any opinions from experienced turkey people out there?



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From those pictures you have yourself two toms. The first picture his snood is extending. the second sure looks to be the same for both.
If you where sold them as hens I would be making some phone calls.
Oh, shoot. Well, I paid $10 each, so I'd say I have some dinner happening soon. I have them with a pair of Bourbon reds, three toms to one hen is not good! No wonder only one egg every couple days or so. Was getting suspicious, but these are my first turkeys.

Poop! Only one chance at raising poults, I guess! Off with their heads!

You three had better be right......
I had my suspicions when I saw them, but figured for ten bucks each I couldn't go wrong. Then the jewelry continued to increase, and size-wise, they are both much bigger than the BR hen that is a year old.

Gotta dispatch them before they get big enough to challenge the BR tom....
Gender question here, if you were raising them for pets only (not breeding or table food) would it matter if they were all toms? One hen to 3 toms ( would that create problem?) Trying to cover as much as possible before taking the plunge myself. Sorry to hi-jack your thread freemotion.
you shouldnt keep all three toms with one hen but you could keep them as pets. however when they get a little older they may end up fighting.
I almost finished the new pen, gotta get it done as one of the younger toms found his gobble-gobble this week. Still searching for someone to do the dastardly deed for me!

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