Too many ducks

AND it didn't help that I sent you an order of duck eggs, then forgot I'd sent them and sent you MORE duck eggs!!

I do NOT have a duck problem. I ONLY have 10 adult runners, 8 juvenile crested runners, 8 ducklings for sale, 14 crested runner babies I'm growing up and 11 welsh harlequin ducklings.....that's how many? 10 ducks total? 30 duck eggs in the incubator..... (they will be for sale). Then I have a pending order for 6/29/09 and a later order pending.......and I am STILL looking for SQ runners and magpies.

No duck problem here. I only have a few. What's a couple more? Maybe I have a counting problem?

ETA: I forgot Ernie, my muscovy duck
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Why don't things like this ever happen to me??

I want to join this club!! I started last summer with 4 baby ducks, 2 white ones (pekins) and 2 'brown' ones (rouens). Well, wouldn't you know it? All four of them were DRAKES!!
So of course, I had to get some girls, right?

So in 4 months' time, I went from 4 ducks to 8 ducks.

Went to the auction and saw the prettiest pair of black cayugas. Oh, I just had to have some of those!!

Current total: 10 ducks

Decided I needed more pekins, can't find hens anywhere, so I order eggs....

Current total: 12 ducks

Well obviously, I need more cayugas. After all, I now have 6 pekins and 4 rouens, right? So I bought some more eggs.

Current total: 13 ducks

Went to the auction again, and someone had the cutest baby rouens!!

Current total: 16 (?) ducks

I was good, and kept only 1 female cayuga baby, and 2 rouen female babies...

Total: 15 ducks

Spring time came.....The ducks started laying eggs....the feed store has babies....I forgot to leave the kid at home

Current total: 19 ducks

I think all but 2 are staying, which really sucks!!
If I can catch some drakes, I'll cut the population. Right now, I have 8 pekins (3 males, 5 females), 3 cayugas (1 male, 2 females), and 6 rouens (3 males, 3 females).

Did I mention the rouen drake that my friend 'donated' to my flock?? Like I didn't have enough drakes already!!

Oops? That doesn't add up does it? I forgot about the 2 baby girls I kept from my ducks' eggs, not sure if they are staying yet, they are the buddies of my baby goose, so I need them right now! But they are cayuga and pekin mixed, so I don't really want to keep them.....I just don't want to make little 'Weep weep' sad!!
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What's your address? I have to go to the post office tomorrow to ship duck eggs and ducklings, so I might as well send a few off to you, too since you have no runners. Everyone needs at least a few runners. I can help you with that problem.

Oh gosh!! I think I have enough ducks for now, thanks anyway!

Did I mention that one of my pekins is broody? I have no idea how many eggs she has, I can't find her nest. I haven't looked too hard for it, since the stupid egg-sucking puppy is always on my heals. But I haven't gotten any eggs from my 4 adult girls in at least a month, so I can just imagine the size of that clutch!
Did I also mention that ALL the ducks live on the pond, with free range of our 10+ acres? And that we live next to a God-only-knows-how-big government wildlife reserve?? So catching any ducks is near impossible!

I have learned that if I don't take their feed to the pond, they WILL come into the yard looking for if only I could figure out how to catch them when they are IN the yard!
Did you miss the part about them coming into the yard?? Three small groups of ducks is okay, but a whole herd?? Dad is already griping about too many chickens, I don't think he'd want to be stepping in duckie poo all the time!

My bad, 4 small groups. The babies and the gosling are still staying in the yard, the youngsters took up with Toot's flock. So I have 2 flocks of 7 ducks, 1 of 3, and 1 of 2 ducks and a goose.

Oh yeah, and I don't think the pond can take anymore's already got a 'film' on it. When I start seeing dead fish floating on it, then I'll know I've gone overboard!
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That has been my favorite book in many a year! I laughed my way thru it and read most of it out loud to my husband- who is slowly turning into the author....What a great book!

too many?

my first 8 ducks were 7 drakes and 1 duck so I had to order some girls...these lovelies came from Ideal...the two little goslings we hatched...I say we as in I put the eggs under a chicken hen and she sate faithfully for 30 days...
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