Topic of the Week - What do you do with all those eggs?

We eat them, hatch, sale them and give them away. Going to try freezing some this year. For when the girls stop laying.
I eat a lot of them, give some to friends and family and feed a fair number to my dog and back to the birds. I’m hoping to start selling next year when all my females are grown up. Some of the people in my town sell eggs so I’m hoping to set mine apart by marketing them as “rainbow eggs” due to the variety of colors and sizes, and undercut the price a wee bit. I know the average person just wants normal eggs but I think it would still be fun, and maybe bring a bit of joy and intrigue to the neighborhood kids 🤷‍♂️

I’ve also always wanted to donate some to a food pantry a few times a month but I’m not sure if they have some sort of health code I would have to meet.
My flock is small, only three birds. Ethel has been broody for several weeks so she hasn’t been laying any eggs. Mostly I eat them & cook with them. Twice a week I make a nice dinner for my chickens which is usually rice, scrambled eggs, flax seed & fruit. They love it so much! There aren’t enough to sell & we aren’t allowed to sell eggs anyway.
We supply our family who moved out with eggs, my brothers coworkers and my neighbors for free since my neighbors let them(want them) to free range in their yard and love feeding them, then we sell any extras to neighbors since eggs are getting expensive

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