Toulouse Geese Thread

thanks for the information! iv had some experience with showing birds whose in charge, my Muscovy drake thought he was king for a while but now just hangs out with me instead of constantly biting. im finding it difficult to find these geese in my area (southwestern Ontario) but hopefully by spring I will have some luck. the research iv done on them so far has been good, and they sound like just the bird I want. ill let you know if I find any! thanks again
thanks for the information! iv had some experience with showing birds whose in charge, my Muscovy drake thought he was king for a while but now just hangs out with me instead of constantly biting. im finding it difficult to find these geese in my area (southwestern Ontario) but hopefully by spring I will have some luck. the research iv done on them so far has been good, and they sound like just the bird I want. ill let you know if I find any! thanks again
I don't think you can go wrong with Toulouse although I don't have a gander in this breed just a goose she is very mild tempered. And laid 60 eggs her first yr of laying this year.
Newbie stuff: I understand this breed is pretty mild mannered. Do you all agree? (In general of course) Do you think it will take long for adults to adjust to a new home? Do you think they will get along ok with goats? Do you use your geese for meat of eggs or? Do I need to get em a baby pool? Would they eat my garden if I let them out of the pasture (I think thats a no brainer but Im asking anyway.) :)
Newbie stuff: I understand this breed is pretty mild mannered. Do you all agree? (In general of course) Do you think it will take long for adults to adjust to a new home? Do you think they will get along ok with goats? Do you use your geese for meat of eggs or? Do I need to get em a baby pool? Would they eat my garden if I let them out of the pasture (I think thats a no brainer but Im asking anyway.) :)

I think they are mild mannered compared to other breeds, but my gander is extremely protective of his mate during breeding season and into the summer if he raises babies.

It won't take long for them to adjust, especially if you have other farm animals or poultry that already know the routine.

Geese get along great with goats.

My geese are expensive & high maintenance lawn ornaments (aka pets). I have a few pairs/trios that I sell hatching eggs and goslings from, but that's about it.

If you do not have a stream or pond, then they need a baby pool.

It depends on what you have in your garden and if your pasture is maintained.
Thanks for the good reply Iain! Ill have to caution the kids about being in the goat yard until we get the new additions settled. We are being given a breeding trio..about 2 years old Im told. The pasture is beautiful deep grass about 4 months of the year and slim pickin's the rest. There is SO much hay strewn about that the goats have wasted the geese should be very happy with that and the other stuff I get just for them.
Not sure if you feed your goats a rich alfalfa hay. If so, you will want to get grass hay instead. My geese enjoy my horses' grass hay and turn their noses at alfalfa.
Not sure if you feed your goats a rich alfalfa hay. If so, you will want to get grass hay instead. My geese enjoy my horses' grass hay and turn their noses at alfalfa.
I've noticed this with my two as well and have been meaning to ask you guys -
I have alfalfa and grass hay for the bunnies, and the chickens usually get a bale or two of alfalfa to do with what they please over the winter, and I thought for sure Trina and Pom would make a quick snack of the flakes sitting by the bunny hutch... but no go. Then we switched from pine chips to straw as bedding in just about everything and Pom went WILD!
He tore the WHOLE bale apart in a couple hours, frolicking in the soft bedding, throwing the stuff around with his feet and nose, climbing all over the bale, perching on top to be the biggest the bird in the yard, and I've noticed he even EATS the stuff! Is that ok? I mean I don't LOVE the mess, but it's really not that bad if he is enjoying himself. I'm happy he's happy =D but should he really be eating it???

It's a poor angle of the mess he's made, and we rake it up every day so he gets to do it all over again! LOL

I've noticed this with my two as well and have been meaning to ask you guys -
I have alfalfa and grass hay for the bunnies, and the chickens usually get a bale or two of alfalfa to do with what they please over the winter, and I thought for sure Trina and Pom would make a quick snack of the flakes sitting by the bunny hutch... but no go. Then we switched from pine chips to straw as bedding in just about everything and Pom went WILD!
He tore the WHOLE bale apart in a couple hours, frolicking in the soft bedding, throwing the stuff around with his feet and nose, climbing all over the bale, perching on top to be the biggest the bird in the yard, and I've noticed he even EATS the stuff! Is that ok? I mean I don't LOVE the mess, but it's really not that bad if he is enjoying himself. I'm happy he's happy =D but should he really be eating it???

It's a poor angle of the mess he's made, and we rake it up every day so he gets to do it all over again! LOL

Haha, he´s having a wonderful time! It won´t hurt him, it´s only straw after all...
Newbie stuff: I understand this breed is pretty mild mannered. Do you all agree? (In general of course) Do you think it will take long for adults to adjust to a new home? Do you think they will get along ok with goats? Do you use your geese for meat of eggs or? Do I need to get em a baby pool? Would they eat my garden if I let them out of the pasture (I think thats a no brainer but Im asking anyway.) :)
Hi Rookie, I don´t have toolouse, so I can only speak for mine...they´d strip my garden in a very short time! We´ve put fencing all around our saplings and plants. Even if they don´t want to eat it, they´ll nip the leaves off. The only things they don´t touch are the weeds...

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