Toys for Chickens?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 8, 2009
I was wondering if chickens played with toys? I have an Amazon Parrot who loves his toys and while watching him it got me to thinking about if my chicks would like to play with toys. They are too young to be turned loose from their coop ( hawks & cats around). I built some roosts, put in wood logs and a platform for them to get up on. I also make sure they get green grass/weeds throughout the day to keep them busy. Do chickens get bored?

I have been giving mine fruits and vegies ( as well as grass/weeds) and you are so right. It is hilarious :lol:to watch them grab and run. Sometimes they don't give me a chance to set the pan down before they are grabbing the goodies. I never thought I would get such enjoyment out of chickens. They are truly a class all their own.
I have asked this same question. The response i got was to throw pasta or fresh fruits and veggies in the run. I throw maters and strawberries in with mine and they love it. they chase each other around it is funny to watch. Hope this helps.
A mirror! Am going to put one in just to see what they will do.

Didn't think about providing them with bugs. Guess what I am going to do today!

I draw the line at catching spiders. That is not going to happen.
Yes, they get bored, and it can cause them to peck each other and pull feathers, and worse.

Hang a whole cabbage from the ceiling. Hide the treats in the litter so they have to scratch and hunt for them. Definitely something to dust bathe in like a sand pit; can add wood ashes, DE, even dry dirt.

Hawks will kill a full grown chicken.
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The other week, I had a blue jay squeeze into the wire on the top of my outdoor temp cage and attack my chicks. Luckily my DH was able to save 4 of the 5.
I have had a hawk go after my full grown BR, but my son heard it squawking and saved in in time.
Just adding comment to ddawn's comment.

Noodles and bugs, yes! very good toys for chickens!
Hawks will kill a full grown chicken!!!! Oh my.

We have coyotes where we live and I was worried about them but thankfully we have donkeys and they will not allow anything or anyone to come onto the property unless they know them.

How do I protect my chickens when they are big enough to turn loose for the day. They will be locked up every night due to the coons we have here. I've been told that coons love chicken and will kill them. But the hawks, I have no idea how to prevent them from making a meal from one of my chickens.

A cabbage hung up! I am going to do that.

I have so much to learn.
Yup. What's even worse is when they TRY to kill a full grown chicken, don't succeed, and then you have to nurse the tattered survivor back to health for 2 months inside your house. I had that happen. To add insult to injury- the flock would not accept her back once she was healed, tore her back open again and she had to be re-homed. My best layer, too.

Oh, and now that the hawk knows the chickens are here its been a constant presence around my yard.

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