TRADE - Crazy Garden Seed Train - herbs, vegetables, flowers

Ok, ifthe pumpkin combo isn't sparkin anyone's fire, I can do the herb medley again: cilantro, basil, oregano, dill.. whichever is cool... Shoot I'll do both!!!
It's Spring and Im trying to unload so the next person gets both the Herb medly and the pumpkin combo
I'd like the herb medley

I can offer

Ice burg lettuce
Hot bannana peppers
summer squash
slicing cucmber
birdhouse gords
tommy toe tomatoes
i want them tommie toes please!!

I offer:

Carnival Pepper Mix

LIVE monkey grass!! (5-7 plants)
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it will grow til you spread it in about the same area, but momma chops it up and moves it so it seems to be everywhere, if you throw it in the ditch out back it grows if you throw it in the woods it grows.....We tried to sell some and got one person to ask about it and they we get a box full, then when some one comes and wants plants they always go home with some monkey grass, and even when they don't want any!! hehehe... its one of those plants that we can't kill, daddy use to mow it down and it still would come back!!! GPN

ohh you ask me what color it blooms purple!
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