trapped a raccoon.

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We use a 22g, easy to do when it's in the live trap, because usually they will come right at you for that head shot. Don't handle it in any way, or release it. I agree about drowning or poison! Never assume that it's not rabid because it 'acts okay'! Mary
With raccoons the easiest method is 22 to the head, if noise is a concern then subsonic ammo is the best, just a pop would be heard. Next option is sticking, with a knife well fastened to a handle (make a spear). Both of these will be the most humane method. When sticking make sure you cut the arteries in the neck, the bleed out will be fairly swift. I would never let a raccoon or any other trapped animal loose once they have been trapped.
I kill them with a .22 pistol, but I live in a rural area and am constantly shooting big guns at crows, coyotes, etc. My neighbors (the closest one is across Hwy 189 from me) are used to it. If you are concerned about the noise, take the cage somewhere away from houses and roads and use your 9 mm. Then dump the dead coon and leave. Incidentally, the body of a coon shot in the brain behaves like that of a beheaded chicken. The animal is dead and beyond suffering, but muscles and nerves don't know it yet.
I will repeat it: relocating a trapped raccoon is illegal and will make it hard on its new human neighbors because it'll be trap-wise. If it starts killing other people's animals it'll be nearly impossible for the animals' owners to get rid of him. So it's not only illegal, but also unethical.
I regularly trap coons and possums, shoot them with a suppressed .22 pistol. Of course not everyone wants to deal with the hassle of obtaining a suppressor, but you definitely need to get a .22. Standard or subsonic ammo will make less noise, no need for high velocity ammo. If you have a .22 that accepts "shorts" or "CB caps", that will make even less noise. Do not relocate a nuisance animal and let it go.
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I thiñk drowning could be messy if I had this issue I would get my neighbor to dispatch as I couldn't possibly do it :hit
With raccoons the easiest method is 22 to the head, if noise is a concern then subsonic ammo is the best, just a pop would be heard. Next option is sticking, with a knife well fastened to a handle (make a spear). Both of these will be the most humane method. When sticking make sure you cut the arteries in the neck, the bleed out will be fairly swift. I would never let a raccoon or any other trapped animal loose once they have been trapped.
We tried subsonic 22 and all it did was bounce off the coon's head. He was dispatched with regular 22 ammo.

I agree, trapped problem animals should never be relocated.
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