Treating weak runt duckling

Lots of misinformed information....Not all Ducklings will suffer with proper feed and excercise. Definitely feeding a feed for Ducklings is best. Too much on BYC about niacin deficiency and not enough about other root causes for failing Ducklings. :th
Anyways I voiced my opinions...:frow

i did say that low niacin was not the only cause of problems AND that the problems can be caused by other issues. because i knew someone would pick up on that

i didnt mention exercise it seamed too obvious but your right there, they get bathtub time twice a day. its not alot but theyll be outside in 20 more days

No misinformation that i can find. i fact checked it twice with BYC forums, wikipedia and other sources.

Leaving out the 100 million other possible causes is not misinformation.

You dont go to the doctor with cold symptoms and get checked for cancer on your first visit...

make a thread, Put information out their if your realy concerned. Its more effective than being contrary all the time
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@Jpat how did the runt turn out? I only ask because I’m dealing with the same thing right now. Just got 16 khakis on Wednesday. One quickly emerged as the runt. Wasn’t eating or drinking and pushed to the corner by the rest. Very proud of my 15 yr old daughter for separating it from the rest, hand (finger) feeding it, and making sure it is getting enough B complex. Already starting to see an uptick in energy and feeding after 1 day. Any additional suggestions?

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