treatment for cocci? Dying chicks please help

Hope it works for you. When it says not for laying hens that just means if they *were* laying now, you shouldn't eat the eggs for a month (I think that's the right amount of time but don't quote me) after you stop treatment. So you will be fine giving them the meds and eating the eggs when they start to lay.
Every thread I have read about treating coccidia says you should use Corid if at all possible instead of Sulmet. The Sulmet is terribly hard on the birds and can cause kidney damage/failure. Corid is pretty harmless to them. Also, add powdered milk mixed 1/2 with their food and it is supposed to coat the intestines and slow down the damage. Don't feed medicated feed along with Corid, it's more amprolium than they need. I hope this helps some.
Thanks for the info. What is the best place/price to order it from? I have a couple hundred chicks, and want to treat everyone at the same time to break any cycle from developing, or cross contamination, so I'll need a bigger bottle or however it is made. I need a lot.
I get mine from Southern States in our town. It's a pretty big bottle because I think it is manufactured for sheep. It was less than $10 if I remember right. We just keep some around just in case. We feed the chicks medicated crumbles and so far (knock on wood) we have not had an issue. Good luck. Also if you have to order...try Jeffers livestock. I use First state vet supply....but that's east coast.
The easiest IMHO is the Corid 9.6% liquid...9.5cc (or just make it 10cc) per gallon of water. Make sure it's the only water they have. I think you have to mix it fresh every day. It says it on the bottle. Good luck!
If you are using the Sulfa drug, for sure DO NOT double dose. It is hard on the kidneys even at normal dosage. Corid/amprollium is way easier on them. What are you giving them? Are you sure your problem is coccidia? You said the bird was lame. Was it limping or just too weak to walk? Is there diarrhea? with blood? There isn't always blood the way I understand it.
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