treats for chicks and chickens.


8 Years
Feb 23, 2011
Chatom, Alabama
i saw a list of do's and don'ts around here somewhere, but i can't find it again. can anyone post the link here or copy and paste it. or just list everything they can eat and that is poisonous that we eat. my chicks have grit so thats not a problem. now if i could stop them from dust baithing in it. it's cute but it gets everywhere and wastes it. thanks

Here ya go
Giving treats to older chickens like 12-14 weeks and up is fine in Moderation. Now on the other hand I feed my chicks chick starter using 1 medicated bag first 40lbs about 3 weeks per bag and then using non medicated feed there after! I do not recommend feeding them treats at a young age(under 12 weeks). This is sort of the same as feeding a week old baby regular food causing problems digesting the food(Pasty Butt). I start throwing them some scratch around 12 weeks or so. Just very little a day!

Treats at any age are unnecessary if a balanced commercial feed is given. However if you must, you must. Be sure to have a constant supply of insoluble grit available.
I feed only chick starter for about the first two weeks. Then I start to introduce the to "treats", the way I see it these so called "treats" are what they would be eating with a free ranging Ma ma raising them. Nothing is funnier than two week old chicks chasing small crickets around the brooder. They of course get chick grit with their feed.
The last couple of days, I've been giving my group of 14 two boiled egg yolks, mashed up. The first day, it took a while before they started eating. Tonight, I came in with my "chick chick chick, treat!" call and before I had gotten the dish over the wall of the brooder, they were rushing me! I had 4 perched on the dish chowing down as I lowered it to the ground to the rest of the swarm.
Ha, they really love it.
Yeah, i give my little chicks worms and grubs I find while doing yard work as treats, funniest thing is seeing a swarm of fuzzy running around chasing whoever has the worm. My big girls love those big white grubs we get out in SOCAL, think they turn into green beetles or something.

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