treats & grit for 1 1/2 wk old chicks ?

awww!!! they're adorable!
sooooo cute!! what kind?

Lol, I wish we knew! They're all mutts. My family didn't intend on "getting into" chickens; it happened by accident when one of the neighbors' hens ran away and set up shop in my mom & dad's barn about 10-11 years ago. Most all of their current chickens are descendants of hers, though they've also had a couple of Ameracauna hens (one of whom is going on 10 now, and they're all free range! How she's survived this long is a mystery--and kind of a miracle--to us) and at least one rooster who looked to be leghorn, but who knows? Supposedly, my pet rooster, Buster, has some RIR in him, or at least he kinda looks like he does to me.


He's definitely head honcho of the group, so the majority of the babies are usually his. The only "off" thing about him is that white splotch on his longest tailfeather. It only comes in white down low toward the base, and only on 1 side of the feather, but no matter how many times he grows a new feather there, it always comes in with the white. Poor guy.
Okay I was under the impression that the starter feed I purchase has grit in it. It is from a local milling company,and when I bought it this is what I was told. Hum, maybe I should check my labels.

I don't think it's necessary - the grains are all pre-ground anyway... grit is to grind hard grains, beetle shells and the like.
No. They LOVE these... funny to watch them figure out the worms. If you think about it, imagine a Hen taking her chicks around scratching up bugs and worms for them...
There was a post and thread a few months ago about whether strawberries were or weren't good for laying hens. It was an interesting volley, and I'm not sure what the final verdict was. The argument against them was the belief that they caused some sort of interruption in laying hens... of course the response to that was quite stiff. Not sure how it washed out, but might be worth a search.

(btw - if it eases your mind, my 3 month old pullets have a knack for finding the silicone caulking pulled off our house when we replaced windows this spring... they have gobbled up several before I could catch them to pull them out, and never have skipped a beat. So.

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