Tripod Update: Pic Pg 21 May try intros today....

Thank you all for your kind and understanding responses.
I am sorry for my overly emotional and hypersensitive response. (hormonal teenager, what do you expect?

I have seen this chick stand upright, and take a few steps. So it seems like this leg is not impeding it that way. I have not checked it to see if the leg is attched to the skeletal frame yet, but will do so when it fluffs out enough to be out of the bator for a minute or two.

Miss Prissy: Yes, these are the Safeway eggs.

cjeanean: LOL. These eggs were actually purchased by Safeway from Rock Island, also known as Petaluma Farms. They are supposed to have been around for about 20 years. I wonder, do you think there is a power plant nearby? (ok, I am starting to lighten up a little bit, thanks to all of you. Feel free to resume the wise cracks if you wish.

Cheeptrick, Guitarists, Chickmomma30, Connie63malies, fullhouse: Thank you. That all was EXACTLY what I needed to hear.
Sweeeet...LMAO Are you going to name it TRIPOD????

Seriously though, I don't see why it can't be like any other chicken if all it has is an extra appendage. Maybe you could take it on talk shows and stuff

Look at these guys... two independent heads on one body. If they get flipped over they will try to go seperate directions to turn upright and could die on their back. I'm sure your little 3 legged chickie will be great, especially with someone to look after him
Well, I know of a boy who was born with a extra finger. It was more of a growth, it didn't function as a finger and it never bothered him. If the chicks 3rd leg doesnt get in the way it seems it would be ok. I would look into having it removed.
Okay, all joking aside, I think Tripod would be a perfect name for it.

We have a whitetail doe that comes to our feeder that has a back leg that splits off into 2 feet. She had a fawn last spring, so obviously she's not impeded in any way.

Congrats on your little marvel.

Yep, my cousins little girl was born with 6 fingers on each hand, and they were functioning! They were removed for astetics, and she is a very happy/healthy 4 year old! I say keep it and see how it does. I would love it no matter what!!! Steph
I looks from the pics that the chick will probably be able to function normally without the 3rd one in the way. There is a good chance that it is non-functional and may not have a lot of nerves in it. You may be able to remove it, but I'd talk to a vet first. See what happens as it grows up, something that stick out like that may be prone to injury (from being scraped, pecked, and caught on things), so you may have to remove it. When it is a little older, try pinching the extra foot and seeing if the chick can feel it. If not, you should remove the foot for the chicks safety.
I have a three legged dog, I know it isn't the same but what I am getting at....his fourth leg only partially developed. It just small leg that hangs there but he doesn't miss what he never had and the vet said as long as it doesn't drag the ground causing open sores then leave it alone. Enjoy it.
The functioning left legs seems a bit pushed out to the side and while it can stand and take a few steps, it is off balance because of it.

This is such a tough one!! My inclination is to cull it now rather than to let it get picked on and have a hard time getting to food and moving. I don't take this decision lightly, especially since I am not the one who would have to do it. But maybe we will give it another day to see how it is moving.

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