Tripod Update: Pic Pg 21 May try intros today....

I have a chicken that has a backwards leg. She is doing great and can walk and get around just fine. I didn't notice it until it was to old and loved to cull it. She can run and turn at the same time. Her name is Debbie and we love her. Good luck with you little one.
We are roughly 7 hours away from Crescent City.
We just cannot afford to drive that far with the price of gas here right now (4.19$ unless it has gone up since two days ago, which it probably has). If you wanted to came up closer??? If you are coming up I-5, we can meet you at I-5 and Sacramento, if that works for you.

Come to think of it, all of the other Safeway chicks are up for adoption as well, and we have several other roosters that are in need of a good home. We have JG, Silkie, Showgirl, SF, White EE, and probably a few others that I just can't think of right now, LOL. All are roosters, all need homes, so if you, or anyone else is interested, give me a hollar!!
I cannot drive that far to get him or any of the others.

Shame you are that far because he said I could have him. Mind you it took a glass of wine, a back rub, showing him Tripod's pic and your posts and he finally, at 4 am said we would drive a little further to get him.

I have a home for another here too. My DD's teacher just lost her roo to old age and she is looking for a roo. I am so sorry.
i say breed him, few generations. may have 4 legs. that are able to be moved :hmm...... That would be cool. 4 legged chickens walking around. next thing. they'll start talking to you. Then become president. where then. they force us to be their slaves.

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