True Blue Whiting info please?

Can't wait until they are old enough to lay eggs
Any gray spots? We have a really pretty white pullet w/ gray flecks -- up until tonight. Went outside to feed, and she was laying outside - dead! April has been an AWFUL month for Whitings!!!
Mine are very active as well. I only got four of them out of 30 and the True Blue and Anconas are the most active, intelligent and curious. And the True Blues and Easter Eggers are the most healthy and robust. Definitely give them two thumbs up. Best ones of the bunch and that is out of a wide variety of types. And while the ones pictured on the site look pretty ragged I can tell these four will be good looking chickens. I think the ones were molting when photographed.
I have a couple of Whitings True Blues that are 12 weeks old now. They do seem to be quite flighty - almost impossible to catch. I thought it was because they weren't raised with handling and I got them at 5 weeks. But I haven't been able to win their trust.

That said, I do allow them to free range, and they do make their way to their coop at night. My one real complaint is that one of them seems quite aggressive. She's got a mean, hard peck, and isn't timid about using it. I"m integrating the two with 3 older hens, and that seems to humble her a bit. She's a confident gal. We've nicknamed her "The Terror" - Terra for short. The other one isn't as aggressive, and seems to be picked on a bit by Terra, but she sticks to her like glue anyway. Very interesting birds. Would love to know the mix.

They will eat from my hand now if I hold out a strawberry or grape. Very cautiously, with their necks stretched out full length so they can make a quick dash if they think I"m about to make a false move. Ha!
Lol Terra!! Ya mine aren't even two weeks and one flew up to the top of the thing meant to keep them in. It let me put it on my finger though and jumped off back in with the rest. I don't think mine will ever be cuddlers either even with me having them from day olds. We will see tho.

I have a couple of Whitings True Blues that are 12 weeks old now. They do seem to be quite flighty - almost impossible to catch. I thought it was because they weren't raised with handling and I got them at 5 weeks. But I haven't been able to win their trust.

That said, I do allow them to free range, and they do make their way to their coop at night. My one real complaint is that one of them seems quite aggressive. She's got a mean, hard peck, and isn't timid about using it. I"m integrating the two with 3 older hens, and that seems to humble her a bit. She's a confident gal. We've nicknamed her "The Terror" - Terra for short. The other one isn't as aggressive, and seems to be picked on a bit by Terra, but she sticks to her like glue anyway. Very interesting birds. Would love to know the mix.

They will eat from my hand now if I hold out a strawberry or grape. Very cautiously, with their necks stretched out full length so they can make a quick dash if they think I"m about to make a false move.  Ha!
Mine are very active as well. I only got four of them out of 30 and the True Blue and Anconas are the most active, intelligent and curious. And the True Blues and Easter Eggers are the most healthy and robust. Definitely give them two thumbs up. Best ones of the bunch and that is out of a wide variety of types. And while the ones pictured on the site look pretty ragged I can tell these four will be good looking chickens. I think the ones were molting when photographed.
My father and some others have told me that their best birds were mixes/cross breeds.

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