Turkey poult singing

No I havent but I also have heard they are good. I cant wait to try one though
I just cooked 3 turkey eggs for the dogs and they smelled wonderful, but I did not taste them.

I love fresh duck eggs, but find that they must be handled properly. I pick mine up when they are laid and they are washed and refrigerated. Ducks have smells and mud and if the duck eggs are not washed, the smells from the mud seem to soak through the shell. Also, duck eggs contain more protein and cooking methods should be more delicate than for chicken eggs.
I just cooked 3 turkey eggs for the dogs and they smelled wonderful, but I did not taste them.

I love fresh duck eggs, but find that they must be handled properly.  I pick mine up when they are laid and they are washed and refrigerated.  Ducks have smells and mud and if the duck eggs are not washed, the smells from the mud seem to soak through the shell.  Also, duck eggs contain more protein and cooking methods should be more delicate than for chicken eggs.
Duck eggs are good in quiche. That's about the closest to plain I can stand with them. I don't like the texture.
I will lwt you know how I like it for sure. I have never had duck eggs. I have heard many people say they like duck eggs but they are different than chicken eggs in texture and taste, so who knows but I cant wait to try the turkey egg.
Did you know people that have Chicken egg allergies can eat Duck eggs and also some professional Bakers prefer duck eggs makes that baked goods much better.
I have heard of this. I have read that duck and ostrich egg adds extra protein and tons more vit/min, and it adds an extra richness. I cant wait to try turkey eggs though. I am not a duck person at all.
I dont do ducks.. IMPO I dont think they are as personable as chickens and turkey. They are far messier which requires more work and just so constantly talking. Yea I am not a duck or goose girl. But I will eat them
I dont do ducks.. IMPO I dont think they are as personable as chickens and turkey. They are far messier which requires more work and just so constantly talking. Yea I am not a duck or goose girl. But I will eat them :drool

Geese are very clean! Ducks - definitely not. However, their antics are hilarious.

Give geese a try ;) Honest to God you won't regret it. Mine only honk when they are talking to me. Though they did hiss at my bunny and I thought my cat was in the barn :gig

They followed me around and imprinted on me as day olds. I was mother goose. They are highly intelligent.

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