Turkey Talk for 2014

Desertmarcy, plant some catnip to repel termites.

Ha, ha, very funny. You have no idea. The termites out here are absolutely horrible and they are everywhere. Plus this is a desert, there is no way I could grow and water catnip everywhere. I doubt it could even take our full sun and heat. Mint planted here needs lots of water and some shade.
I am also wondering now if u have a red slate? I have a blue slate hen and what I thought was a burbon red but he also had some of the blue color to him? But my question mainly is when would the tom start to display? I'm pretty sure tom and hen due to big snood differences... And facial and also my tom has shown some aggression through the fence to my roosters... They are around 4 months old now...

From the photo, yes looks like you have a pair. Some toms display very early, some later. Even hens will display at times. If you have no other toms around, he may take longer to display since there is no rival.
burbon red? Or red slate?
From the photo, yes looks like you have a pair. Some toms display very early, some later. Even hens will display at times. If you have no other toms around, he may take longer to display since there is no rival.
Thank u for the info I appreciate it :) I only have the two so may be awhile :) I can't wait to see him strut... These are the first fancy turkeys I have had last were bb hens never had a tom....They are solely a pet pair... May breed? Don't know what in the world I will end up with?
The hen on the left is not a blue slate and the tom on the right is not a bourbon red.  I don't know what they are, just what they are not.  Very pretty birds.
Hmmm???? Well I would be curious if anyone knew? I know the hen is defiantly more a blue color? But still has kinda a reddish tint some areas? Thank u for compliment just wish I knew what they were?
Go look at Porters website they have great pictures of all kinds of breeds. Just from the picture they look like a cross of Bourbon Red and Blue Slate. I think that is called a Rusty Slate on the website. I crossed the two breeds and got poults of both colors. I didn't keep any long enough to see them fully feathered though.

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