tv and children*rant*

I agree with you but as a mom with "busy" kids I can relate to your mother saying leave them alone they are quiet. I live in Texas and don't like the heat so making my kids play outside a lot is not a pleasant option for them certain times of the year. I also have a special needs child that requires A LOT of constant supervision so I have taken to the TV babysitter at times for me to be able to get things done. I am cautious though of what they watch and provide and prefer a lot of educational shows (like PBS kids type) rather than trash or useless vegging....and don't have my tv on 24/7 (it would drive me nuts).
Our TV is for watching a movie...a couple times a MONTH! We dropped satellite and spend the money on better food...nothing ever on anyway, and that stuff rots your brain
We are too busy with REAL reality to take time out for "reality" TV.
All we do with the TV is AFV on Sunday evenings, every now and then Criminal Minds or NCIS, sometimes I'll play the Wii, and on very, very rare occasions, we watch a movie.

I'm either on the computer, with the chickens, or reading most of the time.
Apparently the OP is an older sibling with no authority over the younger ones. Don't see much you can do but offer alternatives, take them on a hike, whatever. Probably won't have a lot of luck. My grandkids are hooked on video games; don't know which is worse.

I got sick and was stuck with a lot of tv for a while. It got boring and annoying after a while. Hopefully this will eventually happen for them, too.
Yesterday some of the channels were off the air for 3 or 4 hours encouraging kids to go outside and play.Unfortunately me and the kids were already outside for hours and wanted to watch tv at that time.Love the DVD player.I think cable is a waste of money too,but we are still clinging to it.I would like to cancel it along with the cell phones. I am outside most days with the chickens and have been reading a book every 2 days.I am loving it and hope my kids get into it when I do get rid of that darn cable. I need to just cancel it and not even ask anyone if I should.Even dh whines about no cable.
I do agree 10-15 hours a day of TV is way to much. We do watch TV but maybe a hour a day, if that during the week. Weekends a bit more. I also like to have my morning coffee with the news in the morning. Get outside and do something. I tell my kids that all the time.

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