Two roosters living together?

If you have two roosters, and decide to get rid of one, which one do you pick?
I ended up with 2 roosters and 11 hens...all supposed to be girls, but I guess these things happen ;) I have read a lot about this, and I know that is not enough hens to keep things calm in our coop. They get about 2 hours of supervised free range time (too many hawks and foxes), but are otherwise in a coop and large covered run. The top guy ~ an Easter Egger ~ has been crowing since about 4 weeks old, alerts to danger, rounds them up, etc. All the things you hope a rooster would do. The other one acts more like one of the hens. They have had a couple of face offs, but #2 ~ Silver Laced Wyandotte ~ quickly gives up and scoots away. Neither one has shown any aggression towards people, yet, but #1 is grabbing the girls by the head and pulling out their tail feathers, and just causing some general trouble that I assume is early 'mating' stuff. My gut is that he is going to be my most trouble of the two, and if one goes, it should be him. If I get rid of him and keep #2, will he step up and take over the #1 spot? Will he naturally do all the rooster things we want? Should I just hang on and let things play out?
Roosters don't generally mature\settle down till a year old. I would wait it out because the 2nd could be completely different once he becomes the top dog.
I too would wait longer, their personalities are just beginning to develop and things will change over the next coming months. At some point one may be more trouble than the other and you can pull one to see if the other is any better. Sometimes if you make your decision too soon you could get rid of the good one. It's also possible the bottom rooster won't do too much mating and will remain more submissive.
Great! Thanks!!! I will just let it go for a while and see how things work out. I really am hoping that they can all get along well enough to live together. I started trying to get rid of them once I realized they were boys, and I haven't had any luck finding them homes ~ other than ending up in the crock pot. I'm not quite ready for that yet ;) So far, they aren't causing any real trouble!
I also agree you should wait a little bit. I had two accidental Roos that were raised together. The early dominant one was overturned one day around a year or so when the submissive one realized he was a boy and took over from there. I eventually separated them into two smaller flocks, and my favorite was the original dominant guy. He from an early age did all the right roo things, and was amazing with his girls. I love that guy and miss him terribly!

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