UK Member Please Say HI

@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

Sorry for the delayed reply......Get the flags out again please. I rode yesterday for the first time since before Christmas.....shocking I know. Jo brought Jack over and I rode out with them on MeMe and although she was keen, there was no silliness. We did just over 7 miles according to Jo's app and had several canters.....something I could not have contemplated with the lads because they just get stupid. Going to Alnwick tomorrow to do the Percy Hunt Fun Ride. Ian is supplying horses for that as mine are just not fit enough and Jo is going to brink Jack up and join us. I will be crippled on Monday as I'm not riding fit and spending 2-3 hours in the saddle with Archie pulling my arms out since he has just finished the hunting season and is fighting fit, will be as much as my body will take. I will sleep well tomorrow night!

Good luck candling your eggs. I hope you have a good success rate. My broodies have all given up on me but that's OK as I still have boys to process and I'm being really firm with myself even if Ian is not helping by going on about which eggs I am going to set next....he wants me to try the Maran's eggs under Tasha again. The one chick from the first hatch I tried is nearly 6 months and a pullet I think although I have spent the past 5 months calling it a he, but it has not really thrived. I don't think I will ever set pullet eggs again as I don't think they have the nutrition to support good chick development. I notice how much bigger the yolks become on my older hens eggs and it makes sense that that must reflect in the chick's development.

Anyway, I gotta go as Ian has just arrived to help me move the hen ark out of the poly tunnel, so I can reclaim it for garden use.

Hope you have a great weekend.


I've been in this forum for a month roughly and just found a UK thread!

Im in Cambridgeshire and we have two hens Elsa and Dotty.

The carton hatching option looks like a fantastic idea, If I can get cardboard cartons small enough do you think I should try it with the quail?
Or maybe even laying them next to a rolled up kitchen towel, so when they peck to get break the eggshell all the force is going forward and not rolling them back?
If you understand what I mean, you can direct more force forward when you're braced against something solid?

What do you think?
I tried the carton method it didn't personally work for me but I think my eggs were just to damaged whilst being shipped. I recently hatched quail currently got two beautiful chicks growing nicely! I have some khaki duck eggs going into lockdown on Thursday I may have to do the carton method again as the aircells are saddle shaped. What breed of quail eggs are you incubating?

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