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Leghorns now laying too! Only small ones at the moment but very tasty! And my cats really aren't interested which is nice. Although my big ginger Tom tried to take down a monkjack this morning.

Hope you are all well,
Leghorns now laying too! Only small ones at the moment but very tasty! And my cats really aren't interested which is nice. Although my big ginger Tom tried to take down a monkjack this morning.

Hope you are all well,

That's great news on the leghorns :clap
Some of mine that just started back laying have done some pretty small eggs but once there up and running they should get bigger. I'm sure it will be the same for you :D

My little cat is scared of the chickens!! They chase her!! That's quite a Tom cat you have there with the monk jack!!
Hi Philyc

Good to hear that production is picking up in your flock. I've got another new one come online too and she is laying teeny tiny, but ever so pretty, little blue eggs. She is one of my farmyard mutts and so far I haven't been able to pin it down to which of the three pullets from my last hatch it is. Also pleased to report that the older girls that came into lay and then stopped a few weeks ago, are now starting back up again. Unfortunately one of them is Anna (blue hybrid) who lays thin shelled eggs and the last two days I've had a messy nest box to clean out as they have been smashed....Argh!

Hi Kim

Had a great weekend. Rode out with my sister on Friday and both Rascal and MeMe were really well behaved. We did about 6 miles and Jo even managed to get MeMe to step into a few puddles which was a major breakthrough (it was that shocking day when the heavens kept opening, so we had plenty of nice large puddles to choose from!) Thankfully we timed our ride pretty well, setting off just after a torrential downpour and getting back more or less before the next one, although we did get hit by a hail shower.
Then I was on a Skep beekeeping and making course over the weekend and a birthday supper for Ian's brother on Sat night, I'm now in possession of some basic straw basket making skills and I'm super excited about making a new and traditional hive for my bees.... and maybe even a little egg basket!
My task for the day is to ride Rebel out, but I don't think he will be as well behaved as the others were on Friday somehow! Wish me luck!
Pleased to hear that your eggs arrived promptly and are already cooking. I will be interested to hear about their progress. No sign of any of my lot going broody yet.

Best wishes

Hi all hope everyone is good I must apologize as ive not posted for ages time has flown by!!!
I'm either feeding changing bum and trying to fit other kids in as well as still recovering myself as ive still got quite a lot of pain above my cut and ive also developed a hernia thats just a bit bigger than a golf ball at the side of where my stitches finished which is extremely painful but I'm a lot better than what I felt.
On other matters my ducks are laying and all chickens I'm just waiting for one chicken to go broody, but I'm also considering buying a incubator not sure yet!!!!!!!
@Yorkshirecoop have you had any snow over the last couple of weeks???

Hi all hope everyone is good I must apologize as ive not posted for ages time has flown by!!!
I'm either feeding changing bum and trying to fit other kids in as well as still recovering myself as ive still got quite a lot of pain above my cut and ive also developed a hernia thats just a bit bigger than a golf ball at the side of where my stitches finished which is extremely painful but I'm a lot better than what I felt.
On other matters my ducks are laying and all chickens I'm just waiting for one chicken to go broody, but I'm also considering buying a incubator not sure yet!!!!!!!
@Yorkshirecoop have you had any snow over the last couple of weeks???


Your there @GGBEAR :fl

Aiyla is looking good in her swing! Great you have been able to check in with us, but as I suspected you have been super busy and I'm not surprised with your brood :th I take my hat off to you girl!
Hope your pain and hernia settle soon :hugs Will they be able to do anything with it?

Congrats on the eggs :D With no broody you will HAVE to get an incubator ;) The kids would love it :D I also reckon you would too!

We have had a couple of days of snow, not amounted to much though but it did snow when I set eggs in the bator :/


Fingers crossed you continue to get better :fl
Catch you later and take care xx
Hi all. I'm new to all this and have just the three RIRs, Enid, Elvis and Egg. :) I'm in London (Stepney) and have a teenager and two cats as well as the newest family members.
Hi scifisam and welcome

Are they all hens? Elvis is sounding a bit suspect and Egg is clearly androgenous and therefore probably quite trendy I guess..
Are you getting any eggs from them yet? My girls are starting to ramp it up a bit now and I've been getting between 13 and 15 the past few days but that's from 29 hens and pullets (just did a quick mental tot up and I think that's right) so I'm still only around 50% production
.... don't know what I will do with them all if I get many more though. I give them away to family friends and neighbours at the moment. Might have to extend my circle of friends!

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and if you have any poultry questions, shout up and we'll do our best to find an answer.

Best wishes

@Yorkshire coop

Hi Kim

How are things? Have you candled those eggs yet and if so, how are they looking? How many did you set?
Hope your hands are now fully recovered. Have you ridden recently?
I rode Friday and yesterday and my sister is coming over later this afternoon so we will get two out again today. Hope Harry is behaving himself now that he has had a bit of sun on his back.... it does seem to give them a lift.... like us I guess.... but not always good when you are riding or handling them even.
Hunting season is over and Ian has already started driving his little horse Zak who has been turned away all winter. He long reined him up the road one day and then put him in the cart the next and off he went.... good as gold. Funny because he is a little ratbag in the field. Comes charging at you and he's a terror for nipping... I know he just loves attention but he's just too big to be jumping all over you! Hoping he grows out of it a bit this year. The next step is starting him jumping as he will probably be Ian's second horse for hunting next season if all goes to plan. Of course Ian will need Archie and I to give him a lead over the fences so I will have to pluck up my courage and do some jumping again.


Sorry to hear that your recovery is not going smoothly. Hope your hernia fixes itself or if not, that the doctor's do. It must make having a young baby pretty difficult but I guess the c section means you couldn't lift anyway. Hope the little one is doing well.

Don't let Kim talk you into an incubator..... you'll be over run with chickens before you know it..... goodness knows I am and I only use broody hens, but at least it is self limiting! The great thing about broodies is that they do all the work and they are a joy to watch. I just wish I could get mine to go broody earlier in the year.... like now would be good... instead of summer.... but it will happen when they are ready and in the meantime I can plan which breeds I want to hatch and hopefully get feedback from Kim on the breeds she's got slow cooking in her incubator.
Thanks for the welcome! Yes, all hens; don't think Elvis minds being misgendered. Egg was chosen by the teenager but I quite like it. :) They have started laying, 2 eggs each morning between the three of them, but this morning they trampled on them boo.

Welcome to the thread :frow Its great to hear your girls laying for you and so soon after you got them. Sometimes when they are rehomed it can knock them off laying but it sounds like they are settled with you. Good luck with them :D

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