UK Member Please Say HI

@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

I was waving my flag for you like mad yesterday! Hope it went well and you had a lovely ride and Harry was well behaved. Afraid I've still failed to get mine out but we drove Zak out for the first time this year, this afternoon and he was good as gold. 

Portia is still broody but I'm not setting eggs under her now because she has been broody too long already. I will have to make a conscious effort to break her now that restrictions have been eased and I have a little more room to manoeuvre and set up a broody buster. She will not be happy. So it's extremely unlikely that I will be taking part in the Easter Hatch-a-long now and I still have cockerels to process. No more new chicks until they are done. I have to be strict for my own sanity. 

Best wishes



Thank you Barbara for the flag waving :woot As we went with his boyfriend/field buddy Brannon he was much better behaved :D A bit fresh when I first got on and a muck spreader starting up behind the hedge when we first got on to the road didn't help but he eventually calmed down and we had a pleasant ride. I'm glad I got it out of the way and I'm hoping to get out again on him tomorrow afternoon :fl He will be 21 on Friday so I may give him a little treat of a carrot. He doesn't get them often as he scares me to death with how he eats them. Two bouts of choke is enough for me so I just don't risk it but seen as how it's a milestone birthday well at least in human terms he can have one then.

Great to hear Zak was well behaved :clap I'm sure now restrictions are lifted you will get back into a better routine and hopefully won't be so pushed for time and you can get your beasts put and about.

:( on the hatch a long but as Portia has been broody for so long I'm sure she will be ready for a break. But you may get another broody ;)
You are being very strict there with yourself so I hope you are able to get your cockerels done soon and out of the way.

Hope your having a fab evening :D

Kim xx
Good luck with them :fl

I'm sure you'll end up keeping them all - you might want to start building a coop now :p
thankyou I'll put some photos up when they hatch will be this week
yeah I think your right I better get building!
Oh bless not sure what to do with mine as im pretty sure mine will be laying fertile eggs now

Set them in an incubator :oops:
It's very educational for kids to see them hatch and just imagine how excited Aiyla would be :D

get them in a incubator

Your after my own heart :highfive:

X2 In my area, if you even mention to someone that you're looking for a cockeral, you'll wake up to load of 'donations' of cockerels on your doorstep.....

:eek: :gig

Mine is trying to upset the neighbors even more by getting higher :/

X2 In my area, if you even mention to someone that you're looking for a cockeral, you'll wake up to load of 'donations' of cockerels on your doorstep.....

Cumbria is a bit too far to travel !! But I'm sure something will turn up.

I'm hoping to hatch some black copper Marans this HAL, just need the right thing to turn up at our local fur and feather market - fingers crossed
Melton Mowbray has a great farm animal auction evey week. People travel for a while just to be there.

I used to know one of the auctioneers there and my favourite broody came from there.
Are they resuming their poultry section auctions now that the restrictions have been relaxed a bit?
You could also try the notice board at your local feed store. Check it for adverts for a cockerel but also place a wanted add and include that is for breeding purposes, not may get inundated with offers though.

Good luck with your hatch a long marans. Will you be getting the hatching eggs at Melton Mowbray auction?
thankyou I'll put some photos up when they hatch will be this week
yeah I think your right I better get building!

Yes please! There's nothing better than cute duckling photos :)

Cumbria is a bit too far to travel !! But I'm sure something will turn up.

I'm hoping to hatch some black copper Marans this HAL, just need the right thing to turn up at our local fur and feather market - fingers crossed
Melton Mowbray has a great farm animal auction evey week. People travel for a while just to be there.

Are they still having sales (with all of the bird flu restrictions)?

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