 I feel for you, it is a stressful situation isn't it, but you are doing your best! And there haven't been any confirmed cases in the UK yet so please don't get too worried. I originally had mine in a temporary pen in my garage, but have since bought a large tarp and covered their outdoor pen, and bought a satchet of a disinfectant called "Virkon S" off amazon which is DEFRA approved for use against bird flu, sprayed the whole area as directed and have moved them back out, as they were getting stressed and bullying each other. Do you not have the option to cover their outdoor space?
thank you for the reply. We couldn't find tarp big enough to cover the duck pen. Finally got some sleep as today we are moving the fruit pen down into the duck pen. It's going to be a lot of work. Using some old panelling to cover the top and it's already covered in bird proof wire. Fingers crossed it doesn't rain so we can get it all done today. Mine were the same, they started picking on each other.
I just want to say I feel for all of you. I'm in the US but I'm sure it's just a matter of time until we need to take the same precautions all of you are. I'm so sorry all of you have to go through this. I would be worried sick. I can't imagine having to coop my ducks up inside for that long! It's bad enough when we have a huge snow storm and they can't get out for a few days. Sending good vibes all of your ways and to all of your ducks, chickens etc. After all of this is over please let the rest of us know what worked, helped, how to prepare etc. Good luck to you all.
Thank you for the links rach- very helpful. I've decided to move all 12 ducks into the garage, and cover up the chickens run with a clear tarp. I really hope it doesn't reach the UK.

Amykins, I'm sure you will be fine bringing the ducks with you- the guidelines are only in place to try and prevent the migrating birds from spreading it to domestic poultry.
@Ihaveducks I feel for you, it is a stressful situation isn't it, but you are doing your best! And there haven't been any confirmed cases in the UK yet so please don't get too worried. I originally had mine in a temporary pen in my garage, but have since bought a large tarp and covered their outdoor pen, and bought a satchet of a disinfectant called "Virkon S" off amazon which is DEFRA approved for use against bird flu, sprayed the whole area as directed and have moved them back out, as they were getting stressed and bullying each other. Do you not have the option to cover their outdoor space?
Anyone any ideas for good duck enrichment to stop boredom?

I usually let my 3 have a toot around in my back garden but they're confined to their covered pen, and are telling me (screaming at me) they're a bit fed up. They have plenty of space but I know they're a bit bored of foraging the same space over and over, I'm afraid my neighbours are going to get tired of them being so vocal, especially as the advice is in place until the end of February
I hang a head of cabbage out also you can hang lettuce too. Keeps em busy for a while. Just make sure what you use to hang isn't something they can manage to eat.

Thanks for your sympathies. It has been a long 3 months! I'm not sure who felt worse, me or my chickens....thankfully I don't have ducks as that must be so much worse. It's just been no fun and lots of extra hard work.
Interestingly your post comes on the day that some of us can relax the restrictions a bit, but there is a lot of confusion as to how to interpret the advice that has been given for the lucky people who can let them out. I'm one of those lucky people but I haven't let them out today yet. I might just give some of them an hour before bedtime and see how it goes. I moved most of my laying flock into a very kind neighbour's empty coop and run, and it will be a pain bringing them all back and reintegrating them, so I'm leaving them there for now(especially if we have to ramp up restrictions again if there are further outbreaks) and I'm just going to gradually give the rest of them partial free time in the afternoons and see how it goes.


The above is how I am going to handle it. I don't have ducks and obviously water courses are the biggest cause for concern, so I would ensure they can't access natural water courses and maybe do like me and just give them an hour or two in the evening to start with, when you can perhaps supervise them.
Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no...

I'm moving to the UK in January, what am I gonna do? They'll never let me bring in the duccos now!!
This is a very worrying problem to all poultry keepers. I only have four birds in the back garden that usually free range for about 4 hours then go back in their run. Does this mean they have to stay inside their coop or stay inside their run. Not quite sure,.The run has a roof on it so no wild bird droppings.

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