Ultimate Flock Choices.* HELP ME CHOOSE*

Thanks Henry,
That is a nice selection. I only will have room for 20 though........... hummmm.

Ha ha ok Then 5 ameraucana and 5 welsummers
That way you get a mixture of blue eggs, dark brown eggs, cream or brown eggs.

You might think about adding some Sussex in there, they are supposed to be good layers in cold weather and good brooders too (can't speak from experience on either of those, yet).

I have 2 Speckled Sussex that are 12 weeks now, and they are some of my favorite birds. Very curious and calm, and nice to look at too. They like to follow me around and investigate while I fill up their water, etc. One has been a total lap chicken from the start, the other was extremely skittish at first but is becoming a lot friendlier now at 12 weeks.

I looked at temperament, production and cold-hardiness when I got my birds, and I chose Black Sexlinks, Red Sexlinks, Lt Brahmas, SS and White Rocks (all brown egg layers)... then I threw in a few EEs b/c I am a sucker for green eggs.

I have heard that White Leghorns do not do well in cold weather because of their combs, and I've also heard that they can be very ill-tempered (but so can any chicken, I suppose). I think anything with a very large comb is going to have trouble in very cold weather. But I'm not talking from experience, someone who knows more may have better advice! Have fun choosing your flock!
After a long talk with DH we have decided that 12 birds would be best. Egglayers with a variety of colors.
This is what I am thinking for a flock
3 Ameraucana
3 Maran
6 Faveroles

I will probably keep my best broody and a couple of chicks I have now.

Now where to get them.

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