Ummmm gender confused... Pics!


10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
I HOPE I'm doing the image thing right! I have this one chicken that has really confused the heck out of me. S/he is a year old hasn't crowed and seems to be nesting around a bit. I was sure "it" was a roo by the sie of the waddle and comb, but have now I think "he" may be a "she". Thoughts on the gender (and breed) of this little guy or gal? S/he is a year old and came from the ornamental layer collection of Murrays.... I had a chicken expert at my house when this little thing was about 3 months old and he mentioned that it was a roo/mutt. However, I'm not sure. I would assume even though there is an alpha roo in the house he'd still like to get his crow-on???



Disregard the feedbag in the picture. I let them free range and the little nuts tore open the bag on the coop porch (actually removed the string that holds the bag together).
I just looked up the pics, I think you might be right! Thanks so much. Guess she isn't a mutt. She's a jumpy little thing, so it's hard to get a decent pic of her. Thanks again!
Hmmmm the Black Andalusian hen fits too... how can I tell the difference? Either way she isn't exactly a prime example of any breed. But she's a happy and jumpy little chicken.
OK, so today we caught our suspected roo in the nest box...
Thanks again guys, and sure enough there was a white egg in the box. Looks like we have the Black Minorca.


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