Unacceptable Guest Dog

In March, my neighbors husky came i to my fenced yard and killed 3 of my Silkies within minutes. Just had fun murdering them. I told the owner I’m within my legal rights to shoot to kill if that dog sets foot on my property again. I asked him for $300 and he complied. But I returned the check, considering no one was working due to covid and he has kids. Last week, said husky was in my yard again and bolted when I said his name. Luckily it was nighttime and all chickens were safely locked up.

i have a Great Dane and a Saint Bernard who are bullet proof around the chickens. My rat terrier is ALWAYS leashed outside. She’s a bit too interested and still young. It’s all about responsible animal husbandry.
A big chocolate lab wandered over here a few times. I know labs are bird dogs so of course all of us were worried. His name was Biscuit. Mom talked to the owner several times to ask her to please keep her dog on her property so that it doesn’t hurt our chickens or our dog (at the time we only had Beau) and she was like “well he likes to roam”. Next time it happened mom took him back or he went back I don’t remember which, and she told the owner if she didn’t keep him home and he bothered our birds we would shoot him. We haven’t seen Biscuit since, so I guess she realized we meant business. Sorry about your one bird :hugs hopefully the owner takes your warning seriously

Our two collies are excellent with birds. I wouldn’t trust Charlie as much, just because he’s kind of immature (he’s never tried anything), but I trust Beau 100%, even around chicks.
I have to really question what makes the "powers that be" highlight the posts that they do. This issue was solved weeks ago. :confused:

And in last week's newsletter I saw a product being advertised that most experienced chicken owners ON THIS FORUM have discouraged new chickens owners from buying because it is known to be a bad product.
I have to really question what makes the "powers that be" highlight the posts that they do. This issue was solved weeks ago. :confused:

And in last week's newsletter I saw a product being advertised that most experienced chicken owners ON THIS FORUM have discouraged new chickens owners from buying because it is known to be a bad product.
Not sure what you are referring to but I dont get the newsletter
Yup I know this is old, sorry, but I just Have to share.

My mother grew up on a farm. She likes to tell the story of a dog they had that liked to chase the chickens. One day after killing another chicken, her mom(my grandma) pulled out a gun and shot the dog. Yup. Grandma shot the family dog. So, she wasn’t a very good shot and just wounded the dog and of course after wounding it she felt really bad about it and nursed the dog back to health. Mom says from that time on that was the best dang dog that ever lived cuz it knew grandma meant business especially where the chickens were concerned. Never liked thunder after that either though.....
I dislike - in general - people suggesting and commending ideas of violence. Anyone should stop a person injuring/killing/threatening a living thing. Mentioning firearms seems unneeded if everyone there has one, and gives off a feeling that you want the justification of using one, especially in momentary anger. I commend all trained police and drilled drill instructiors who compel attention and command comprehension without any weapon.
I do understand what you are saying about violence; however, there are times when violence is warranted. When ignorant and haphazard people cause harm to other’s animals sheerly because of their ignorant/lazy nature...they dont need coddling. They need to be directly told what happened (or nearly happened) and prevented from allowing future non advantageous situations from occurring. The ideal, of course, is to put the culpability on the person themselves...instead of the errant dog because the dog is simply doing what most dogs do. But no individual is expected or encouraged to allow a dog to attack or clearly try to get to one of their animals...whether that dog’s owner is present or not. And it angers people when these attacks occur.....
I have to really question what makes the "powers that be" highlight the posts that they do. This issue was solved weeks ago. :confused:

And in last week's newsletter I saw a product being advertised that most experienced chicken owners ON THIS FORUM have discouraged new chickens owners from buying because it is known to be a bad product.

I have been assuming they were chosen by computer--the ones that got the most posts within a certain amount of time recently (presumably meaning they they were the most popular.) :confused:
We have 15 chickens, 15 ducks and 7 geese as well as 7 dogs. The dogs do not mess with the birds only because there is a fence between them. I am sure the dogs would not "hurt" the birds but they may play then to death. So, we don't take chances. We also do not allow any other persons dogs on our property. That is a rule and it is enforced. If someone comes to visit and brings their dog the dog must either stay in the car or in the house. No outside time. Needless to say we are not often visited by dogs.
Yup I know this is old, sorry, but I just Have to share.

My mother grew up on a farm. She likes to tell the story of a dog they had that liked to chase the chickens. One day after killing another chicken, her mom(my grandma) pulled out a gun and shot the dog. Yup. Grandma shot the family dog. So, she wasn’t a very good shot and just wounded the dog and of course after wounding it she felt really bad about it and nursed the dog back to health. Mom says from that time on that was the best dang dog that ever lived cuz it knew grandma meant business especially where the chickens were concerned. Never liked thunder after that either though.....

LOL, my granny was a crack shot with a .22. I've watched her blow all kinds of predators away from her chickens. It was my great grandma that used a sawed off double barrel 12 gauge. (I own both guns now).

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