unbelievably predictable


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
jackass flats, arizona
it's 9 a.m. I am looking out the window at it is SNOWING on my garden. Rain and wind in the forecast but not SNOW! The weather here in Prescott Valley Arizona has been unbelievably beautiful. I've already started tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, beans, spinach, beets, and lots of annuals for the flowers beds. Normally I wait until May, but I couldn't resist. SNOWING. 37 degrees. Tonight I have to cover everything somehow. This is Arizona...It happens to me almost every year. My fruit trees flower, start putting on fruit, then bam a freeze puts an end to that. My garden doesn't suffer quite as bad. This has to be the last of it hopefully.
I am sorry. I know the feeling. My seedlings were just coming up and they got pelted to death by a torrential rain.
I have not had fruit in my orchards for three years now.
I am getting tired of mowing around them all.
But then we have a great year and we get all excited again.
I hope it all survives.

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