Undesirable Rooster Behavior

That's one thing I go back and forth on in my mind.
On one hand, you have the fact that the head or alpha rooster does not let the subordinate rooster(s) take food from him (or eat while his hens are eating). Yet recently I read an article that said you should fed the rooster, because this puts the idea in his head that he MUST be a hen, since he is taking food from you, "the head rooster".

I guess the difference is whether you are dealing with a single roo and trying to establish or maintain yourself an the alpha roo; or whether you are trying to keep peace in a flock with multiple roosters and young cockerels.

At the present time I have two adult roos in seperate yet combined flocks (seperate in that they sleep in different coops, but free range together) and several young cockerels. Whatever I'm doing seems to be working and/or I've been fortunate in that I've had all good roos. I'm not inclined to fix what ain't broken.

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