Undeveloped Wings? (photos now added on last post)

montana girl

12 Years
Aug 23, 2007
Kalispell, Montana
I have 8 bantam chicks, not sur of all the breeds. All of the chicks have their wing feathers grown out, but fluff every where else...except for one. Her wing feathers seem not to have developed properly? she only has the short straight feathers and even those are tiny. Has anyone heard of anything like this?
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Don't take my word on this, but I'm pretty sure that feather development, especially on the wings, can be indicative of gender. I don't remember which feather out faster, though, but best of luck, and I certainly don't think anything is wrong ^^.
She eats and drinks normally and plays with the rest of the chicks. The only thing different about her is the wing feathers and the fact that she had pasty butt when I first got her. I had to finaly clip the feathers around her vent. Even now with no feathers, some bits of poopies stick to her little bottom.
Thanks for your reply!
Sounds like you have a "Him" instead of a her. I thought one of my chicks from my first barch was stunted, but she was a he and I learned since then roos feather out much slower and in different patterns than pullets.
oh dear:(
I live in town ...no roos allowed. I will have to watch and wait. If she is a he, I will have to find him a home.

I hope not though as she's become my little favorite!
Here are some photos of the chick in question:

The first photo is of the two that are supposed to be same breed bantam together. ( I am not sure what breed this is)the one on the right is little no wings.

Second is a photo of the chikies tiny no wings : )

And third is her sisters wings:
I dont know! My husband picked them up from Murdoch's. I am thinking that he said Partridge Cochin? But I could be wrong.
The strange thing is, the coloring of the two isnt even the same so I am wondering if they are different?

Anybody have any ideas on what these babies are and why one has teeny weeny little wingies?

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