Ungrateful hens? Or I’m being impatient

i kept thinking that their reddening combs would be a sure sign that they were going to lay, but that was about a month ago

Combs and faces will redden with extra blood flow to the extremities, especially the comb, to help cool them off when it's hot. And HOT it has been.
Yes, impatient...it's so hard to wait for those first eggs.
This time of year, with daylight decreasing, can put things off a bit.
Here's some tips on how to tell....

and nothing but chicken poop
Well, that's something to work on before the eggs come.
If there is poop in the nests it usually mean they are sleeping in the nests,
a bad habit that, IMO, should be broken pronto.

Combs and faces will redden with extra blood flow to the extremities, especially the comb, to help cool them off when it's hot.
.....and just with exertion(red) vs relaxation(pale),
ButOhLordyYes....that can drive ya nuts!
Yes, impatient...it's so hard to wait for those first eggs.
This time of year, with daylight decreasing, can put things off a bit.
Here's some tips on how to tell....

Well, that's something to work on before the eggs come.
If there is poop in the nests it usually mean they are sleeping in the nests,
a bad habit that, IMO, should be broken pronto.

.....and just with exertion(red) vs relaxation(pale),
ButOhLordyYes....that can drive ya nuts!
Thanks for the info! I was exaggerating about the poop. They leave me plenty of poop to clean up under their roosting bars in the morning. I only find a rare occasional turd on their nesting pad. Lol!

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