Ungrateful hens? Or I’m being impatient


5 Years
Feb 10, 2019
Southwestern Pennsylvania
I just started with chickens a few months back. My hens have all hit 19 weeks this week and there is not an egg in sight. I have Marans, legbars and leghorns. I only have 7, but I do keep a gorgeous legbar cockerel in with them most days. Could they be stressed from him? They don’t seem to be losing any feathers. They’re given treats at least 3 to 4 times a week, I put some crushed oyster shell out for them last week and have them on a decent all flock 20% protein crumble. Every morning I go out and check their nesting box and nothing but chicken poop and bare nesting pads stare back at me. What do you think? Am I being impatient or am I doing something wrong?
You're being impatient, yes. They'll lay when they are ready, there is no perfect clock for it as both environmental and social factors effect how and when they lay. Also, 19 weeks is on the super early side of laying anyway- honestly you're lucky to get eggs at 24 weeks. You've got a bit to go.

Keep spoiling them and they will reward you! ... eventually.
They are rewarding even when they haven't started to lay! I enjoy sitting with my flock in the mornings before work and when I get home just to relax me. The eggs are a welcome bonus.
You're being impatient, yes. They'll lay when they are ready, there is no perfect clock for it as both environmental and social factors effect how and when they lay. Also, 19 weeks is on the super early side of laying anyway- honestly you're lucky to get eggs at 24 weeks. You've got a bit to go.

Keep spoiling them and they will reward you! ... eventually.
They are rewarding even when they haven't started to lay! I enjoy sitting with my flock in the mornings before work and when I get home just to relax me. The eggs are a welcome bonus.
Don’t get me wrong, there is much entertainment to be had by just watching them as you pointed out! I’ll just be tapping
Patience! It's hard sometimes. My new pullets are the same age, and a couple of them are developing red combs, a very good sign. I hope for 'first eggs' in (maybe) two to four weeks.
i kept thinking that their reddening combs would be a sure sign that they were going to lay, but that was about a month ago... but nothing. Sigh! I’ll just have to practice some more patience. Lol!
They are rewarding even when they haven't started to lay! I enjoy sitting with my flock in the mornings before work and when I get home just to relax me. The eggs are a welcome bonus.

Me too. I think she's just more impatient than us. I just introduced two ridiculous looking long-legged thai mix birds yesterday- what fun that has been to watch! they're so tall, but still young- so the pecking order is just completely in chaos. I like to keep my chickens on their toes. :)
i kept thinking that their reddening combs would be a sure sign that they were going to lay, but that was about a month ago

Combs and faces will redden with extra blood flow to the extremities, especially the comb, to help cool them off when it's hot. And HOT it has been.

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