Uninsulated Garage Brooder


Premium Feather Member
Feb 19, 2024
Northwest Ohio
**new to BYC so hopefully I’m doing this thread thing right**
I plan on brooding in an uninsulated garage in Northwest Ohio. Chicks will be here by the end of this month. It gets rather chilly at night as it’s still technically winter and will say pretty chilly for the next month or so at night. (High 20s low 30s) I have the brooder built to house my 15 chicks. (Sapphire gems, speckled Sussex, starlight green Eggers) It is made of 2’ plywood walls and floor and plan to have a top of wire mesh on hinges. 3x5.5 feet but plan on walling at least half off for the first week or 2. I have a brooder plate but wondering if that will be enough if i do the bedding thicker. Do i need to put a plywood top on half of it to keep warmth in? Should I get a heat lamp to help? Am I overthinking it a little? Any opinions are appreciated!
The garage doesn’t get much below 50 if at all. Have you noticed any problems with the constant light? I know people have used heat lamps forever so obviously not too big of an issue but figured I’d ask!
You probably can't get the temp of the brooder up to 95 without a heat lamp to start. Put a thermometer under the brooder plate and see how hot it gets. I use both to start. You need to warm them up as fast as possible when they arrive. I have found that they are drawn to the heat lamp faster than the plate. After a week I start turning off the heat lamp if they are running around and happy. If they look stressed and cold, I turn it back on. Usually I switch the heat bulb to just a normal light bulb by 2 weeks.
You need to warm them up as fast as possible when they arrive. I have found that they are drawn to the heat lamp faster than the plate.
I agree I believe the red infrared light penetrates heat deeper into their body's unlike a plate just warming from exterior body takes longer. Not only does it warm them faster you can have feed and water in a warmer area than you can with plate at colder temps encouraging more time out eating/drinking rather than hiding under warm plate.

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