Unusual behavior? Very worried.


In the Brooder
Dec 2, 2018
Hi everyone. I’m very concerned about my duck. He has been chasing his back tail all day. Due to this behavior I took him to the vet. Here’s what we know. X-Rays, bloodwork, and Fecal exams all came back good. The Doc says that he may have soft tissue damage near his preen gland (hence all the tests). So he’s received some pain meds and we’re keeping a close eye on him. But I do not feel better. It’s been several hours since the vet and he has not stopped going in circles. His sister who is a peeking is very concerned and so are we. Any ideas which could make a duck constantly go in circles trying to get at his tale, similar to a dog going for its tail? We have him and his sister inside as per the vets recommendation, but he still hasn’t stop. I’m overly worried about him. I’m unsure how links work but I’ve posted a video on the behavior. I’m truly hoping someone will know since the vet really did nothing to stop my worrying. :(

Both crates that I have still gives him room to rotate around. I’ve even tried to personally calm him using a towel and the over under wrap method. He’s gotten calm for upto an hour but then just goes back to do it. Like two minutes in he will be “sleeping” but then wake up and start spinning.

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