Unwell Chicken- Help!

Sorry for you’re losses. :hugs

I think she is stressed and mourning because if the fox attack. It is quit normal that chickens really get upset of something like that.

Maybe she’s hurt physically too. If you pick her up after sunset she is easy to get hold of. Do check on her skin for any injuries.

She might feel better if she has company or any other kind of distraction. Can you buy one ore two new chickens? But on the other hand if she is injured it’s not the right thing to do.
Sorry for you’re losses. :hugs

I think she is stressed and mourning because if the fox attack. It is quit normal that chickens really get upset of something like that.

Maybe she’s hurt physically too. If you pick her up after sunset she is easy to get hold of. Do check on her skin for any injuries.

She might feel better if she has company or any other kind of distraction. Can you buy one ore two new chickens? But on the other hand if she is injured it’s not the right thing to do.
Thanks for your reply.
Yes i will check her over for injuries.. We will get new hens soon hopefully, but yes i think if she is injured atm we should wait until she gets a bit better. perhaps she is just very upset...
2 yr old Isa Brown who is not well and has survived a fox attack.
There are no obvious injuries to her, she was found hiding, and has not moved much since the attack about 4 days ago. She will not eat, she refuses absolutely everything i've tried to give her and i've tried a lot of things
She is drinkng after much encouragement but she mostly just sits and close her eyes.
he seems to be very unstable on her feet and falls over when trying to walk, she uses her wing to stablse herself so maybe she does have an injury but she doesn't make a fuss if you touch her or anything. She is not laying, and her poop has changed a lot it was dark greena nd smelly, and now is very yellow at times and is becomng watery as she is not eating only drinking
Her crop seems to be so enlarged but she also doesn't let us touch her really so haven't been able to do much for that
It would be very strange if she had another problem such as with her crop that appeared at the same time as the fox attack? I took her outsde today and she tried walking around which she seemed to like but she was just stumbling around a lot
This is what i mean about her crop.. really protruding..
Hard to say. but she looks so unscathed,
Sorry about your hen. Have you physically moved the feathers around and looked for injuries?
Her crop does look full - the feathers on her front are messed up - is that due to water or could she have injury there?

I understand that she may not want to be handled, but if you have help have someone hold her while another really looks her over.

Not eating in several days is a bit concerning, but fluids need to be pushed before giving food. I would get her drinking, then offer wet soupy food.
If you hen isn't suffering from unseen internal injury, she may be suffering from delayed shock. Shock in all accident victims must be treated or they can die, humans included.

Try giving your hen warm Gatoraid or mix up som warm water with a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of baking soda and a fourth of a teaspoon of salt. Give it to her with a syringe if you can' get her to drink. Give this to her all day today, a bit ever hour.
Unfortunately I don't know about shock. Usually my birds either survive unscatherld or are carried away so I have no personal experience. I *think* sugar water would help, if you have some of that sav-a-chik booster that has the minerals and electrolytes like Gatorade
It sounds to me that she may have injured herself getting away from the fox, and could have some internal injuries. That might be why her crop is slow. How old is she? Sometimes an event like this can bring on stress that may bring to light something that has been brewing before the attack. Was she actively laying eggs recently? Could she have had a crop problem before? Time will tell, but getting her hydrated first, then getting her eating some watery chick feed and egg, alternating with some canned cat food, tuna, or liver would be good. But monitoring her crop function will determine whether or not to give different foods.

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