Update: crop surgery with graphic photos

Ok sounds good I will make sure to do that, the only thing I couldn't find anywhere was the Vetericyn spray. Would you recommend anything else ? I will try my best to document the experience. After I preform the surgery, is there a wait time for feed and water or do I offer water and the little of the soft foods you mentioned right away? @azygous thanks for your ongoing support with this, you've been invaluable to me during this time.
I have to pipe up here. The OP said that her chicken puked up a "line" and then posted a photo of what I assume is the said "line" and asked if it was worms. That "line" in the photo is a soggy feather. Does your chicken have a habit of picking and eating her own feathers? That could definitely wreak havoc in a crop, much like a human eating too much of their own hair (yes, that happens). I don't have any definitive answers, but if the crop is impacted with feathers, then yes, it might require surgery. Just something to think about.
My supplies
Pre-prep tip: You'll have a helper but it will help her to control the patient if you can find something stretchy to confine her wings to her body as well as her legs and feet. If you can find a small head cover so she isn't watching you, she will also be much calmer.

If at any time during this procedure she begins to struggle, stop what you're doing and simply make a "shhing" sound and talk softly to her until she quiets. Depending on her temperament, she could make a sporadic move to get loose, but she should settle right back down if you talk calmly and "shh" her. Many chickens can endure any amount of painful procedure and not move a muscle. I've had both types.

You will do fine, and I know this will help her get better.

As for feeding after the procedure, about an hour later, give her more warm Gatoraid and make it available if she wants more. I would withhold food until tomorrow, and just give her soft stuff and fluids. Avoid anything hard and scratchy for about three days.

Monitor crop consistency each morning. You may need to complete the miconzole treatment to get rid of all the yeast spores in her system.
@Peepsi Hi there, I think you may have the wrong thread, I believe that was a different chicken that puked up the feather I had also looked at the picture of the feather. Thanks for your feed back though :)

Oh, ok! I thought you had posted that. Sorry bout that! :oops:

EDIT: I hope everything goes well with the surgery on your girl though!

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