Update on my egg-eating hens

I've also heard of folks using duck eggs, because apparently the shells are thicker and harder to crack. I've had mine eat eggs every once in awhile, but not often, and typically if I feed them a handful of cat food a couple days in a row after an "episode," they stop. I've also found that (at least with mine) the more play things they have in their run, the less issues I have with egg eating. As a matter of fact, I (KNOCK WOOD) haven't had any egg eating problems at all since I made a major effort to spruce up their run with different boxes and such to hop on & off, and a suet cage that I fill every other day with nutritious goodies, etc. I move the boxes around every few days, and they seem to enjoy the change. I also have an old garbage can that I cut a section out of (lengthwise), and it's sort of like a tunnel. They love that darn thing!
Mine are only doing it on snowy days when they are too 'chicken' to venture outside. I lured 'em out into the snow today, though. There is a big stock trailer they can go under, if they will just come out of their run. Silly chickens...
I forgot to let mine out Sunday morning before church, ( they have a small run 8 X 16 attached to their coop), but they normally free range on about 3 acres, from daylight till dark. Anyway when I went to let them out after noon one ran out with a shell in her mouth, I'm hoping it was due to boredom and being locked up and not a sign of a new habit.
We have curtains too. None of our eggs have ever been eaten.
Good Luck!

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