Upset tummy cure?


Internally Deranged
10 Years
May 2, 2009
Desert, CA
Normally I have an iron stomach.....

But today I woke up at 6AM, 5 shades of green. I did have curry for dinner last PM, but this seems a bit harsh for that. Anyone know how to calm a tummy?

The smell of pepto just makes it worse.
chew anise seeds , suck on peppermint candy , or make peepermint tea, milk always helps me too... Chamomile tea is good also ... Hope your tummy feels better
Lactose intolerant, last April I spent 2 days in the hospital from an ice cream sunday (vomited 12 hours straight and then completely dehydrated). I know the only thing I've had in the last 24 hours was soy and coconut milks.
Those are all really good, but I wanted to add REAL ginger to the list (as in Reed's gingerale that has real ginger in it or candied ginger roots) ginger is a very good tummy settler. And cinnamon is good too. Maybe you can buy some ginger root and cinnamon sticks and make a ginger & cinnamon tea with honey?
Ginger, mint, lemon/lime soda, lots of water, weak sweetened tea.
I can't take tummy meds, they usually make it worse for me.
Those are all really good, but I wanted to add REAL ginger to the list (as in Reed's gingerale that has real ginger in it or candied ginger roots) ginger is a very good tummy settler. And cinnamon is good too. Maybe you can buy some ginger root and cinnamon sticks and make a ginger & cinnamon tea with honey?

Thanks i had forgotten that about ginger.. Never tried raw but used to get ginger gum from the oriental grocery in town ..
if you can find real ginger ale, its hard to find in a regular grocery store. I also knew someone who swore by ginger but my grandfather swore by peppermint. I also know people who say coca cola works too.
I've never tried this, but I saw it on "The Doctors". If you can stand it, try eating some burnt toast, or they said you could scrape the burnt part into a glass of water and drink it. They said it acts like charcoal and settles the stomach. I'm lactose intolorant too, it's rough. I'm not as bad now after having children, I can eat some icecream and cheese, but I cannot drink reg milk, either lactose free, soy, or rice milk. I get migraines, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, so it can be miserable.

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