urgent help, one chicken is dying and the others might follow

As someone who has Marek's in their flock I can sympathise. I knew as soon as I read that Susete had one eye half closed what was coming. So many people miss such a subtle sign of it or don't think anything of it, so you did well to spot it at that early stage.
I'm not convinced that the problem you have is lice (I wonder if it may be ticks or similar due to the tall vegetation or that putting their spent bedding in your garden is a problem. It makes good compost and many of us do that, so don't beat yourself up that you are doing anything wrong. I am in the UK and I use a product called Nettex Total Mite Kill which contains permethrin and works for lice as well as mites. It comes in a ready mixed spray gun or a bottle of concentrate)which is better value) that you mix with water and spray. It is suitable for use on the chickens and coop. I don't know if you might be able to get that on Amazon.
Apple Cider Vinegar will do nothing for lice so don't get your hopes up. I'm not saying that it doesn't have health benefits and I use it myself but it is not a miracle cure for anything.

Unfortunately you have hit a run of bad luck, although Marek's is so widespread that you might be more correct to consider yourself lucky if you don't have it, rather than unlucky to have it. Try not to let it get you down. You did the right thing for Susete. I put them down once they stop eating. If Lisete is showing signs and you might be right if you saw her with a dropped wing, the important thing is to keep her happy and stress free. Support her immune system with a poultry vitamin supplement and perhaps consider fermenting their feed or use a probiotic. I have tried various herbal/homeopathic treatments and the stress of trying to make them take a tablet or eat medication in their food just makes them worse or discourages them from eating. Antibiotics upset their digestive system and that can make them worse, so I try to give them nutritious easy to digest food....occasional scrambled eggs, small slivers of animal liver, tuna etc and wet mash or fermented feed made with their pellets or better still unmedicated chick crumbs as they are higher in protein and water and a vitamin supplement. In the UK I use Nettex Nutri Drops which come in a little bottle with a dropper.

I would like to point out that Terramycin will not treat Coccidiosis and misuse of antibiotics can be harmful, so try to be more reserved about using them without due cause. I would be interested to know what the "treatment" was that the vet gave you for Marek's. I am unaware of any medication that would be beneficial. Can you post a photo of it showing the name and active ingredient.

I hope some of the above information is helpful and you are able to keep Laudete and Lisete healthy.
Just came from a local store dedicated to rural and animal type of stuff, my hope is that they have the permethrin or equivalent since the last product I bought did not solve the problem at all. In the meantime my chickens still have lice, for how long can this go on until I have a major problem in my hands?

I notice they shake their heads from time to time, they also scratch themselves, mainly neck and head.. and caught them several times doing dust baths. I have also seen Lurdete with 3 or 4 of those crawlers on her feathers jumping to the ground.
You say "caught them taking dust baths" as if that is something bad. Its how birds handle feather parasites. I never see lice or other parasites on our chickens and I see them take dust baths all the time. So the dust baths work, but I also think they are just programmed to do it and "enjoy" it. Sure looks to me like they enjoy it. In fact they squabble over the favorite dust bath sites. Chicks start dust bathing within a week usually.
dusting 6.JPG
As someone who has Marek's in their flock I can sympathise. I knew as soon as I read that Susete had one eye half closed what was coming. So many people miss such a subtle sign of it or don't think anything of it, so you did well to spot it at that early stage.
I'm not convinced that the problem you have is lice (I wonder if it may be ticks or similar due to the tall vegetation or that putting their spent bedding in your garden is a problem. It makes good compost and many of us do that, so don't beat yourself up that you are doing anything wrong. I am in the UK and I use a product called Nettex Total Mite Kill which contains permethrin and works for lice as well as mites. It comes in a ready mixed spray gun or a bottle of concentrate)which is better value) that you mix with water and spray. It is suitable for use on the chickens and coop. I don't know if you might be able to get that on Amazon.
Apple Cider Vinegar will do nothing for lice so don't get your hopes up. I'm not saying that it doesn't have health benefits and I use it myself but it is not a miracle cure for anything.

Unfortunately you have hit a run of bad luck, although Marek's is so widespread that you might be more correct to consider yourself lucky if you don't have it, rather than unlucky to have it. Try not to let it get you down. You did the right thing for Susete. I put them down once they stop eating. If Lisete is showing signs and you might be right if you saw her with a dropped wing, the important thing is to keep her happy and stress free. Support her immune system with a poultry vitamin supplement and perhaps consider fermenting their feed or use a probiotic. I have tried various herbal/homeopathic treatments and the stress of trying to make them take a tablet or eat medication in their food just makes them worse or discourages them from eating. Antibiotics upset their digestive system and that can make them worse, so I try to give them nutritious easy to digest food....occasional scrambled eggs, small slivers of animal liver, tuna etc and wet mash or fermented feed made with their pellets or better still unmedicated chick crumbs as they are higher in protein and water and a vitamin supplement. In the UK I use Nettex Nutri Drops which come in a little bottle with a dropper.

I would like to point out that Terramycin will not treat Coccidiosis and misuse of antibiotics can be harmful, so try to be more reserved about using them without due cause. I would be interested to know what the "treatment" was that the vet gave you for Marek's. I am unaware of any medication that would be beneficial. Can you post a photo of it showing the name and active ingredient.

I hope some of the above information is helpful and you are able to keep Laudete and Lisete healthy.

is this the product you use? because it says it is not to use on the birds...


anyway, just bought powder to put on the birds and the coop. I also got black bleach to apply pure, then wash... was the only thing I was able to buy locally.

I do not remember the name of the product I gave to Susete but it was yellow powder to mix on the water, give this in 5 consecutive days. About the products I was giving them, I stopped in the day I had Susete culled, no more terramycin and even vitamins, they are getting water with apple cider vinagre once a week, plain water the other days for now. I might add the vitamins once in a while.

You say "caught them taking dust baths" as if that is something bad. Its how birds handle feather parasites. I never see lice or other parasites on our chickens and I see them take dust baths all the time. So the dust baths work, but I also think they are just programmed to do it and "enjoy" it. Sure looks to me like they enjoy it. In fact they squabble over the favorite dust bath sites. Chicks start dust bathing within a week usually. View attachment 1460834

sorry but I might have expressed myself in the wrong way, english is not my first language by a long shot. what I meant is that if they are having dust baths it means they have lice which is bad. dust baths are good and I also like to see them having fun!
sorry but I might have expressed myself in the wrong way, english is not my first language by a long shot. what I meant is that if they are having dust baths it means they have lice which is bad. dust baths are good and I also like to see them having fun!
Sorry I didn't know that English is not your first language. However you need to know that having dust baths does not necessarily mean lice or a bad infestation of lice. Our chickens do not have lice or if they do they are so very few that they do no damage and I never see them. Yet they take dust baths every day. They have a program in their brain to do it and they enjoy it. They may have that instinct so that they get rid of any lice the minute they get on them as a preventative. So don't jump to the conclusion that you have lice that need harsh chemicals to treat because your chickens take dust baths. A few lice controlled by dust baths seems better to me than chemicals that may have side effects.
I am having a very good run on egg laying, one per day on each chicken and sometimes a double yoke, I do not know how they can lay such big eggs lol. Do you think this hurts their tinny butts? (honest question here)

Regarding the lice treatment, I am still waiting. What kept me waiting a bit before putting the powder and the black bleach is that they are laying eggs so consistently. If they were really badly infested maybe the egg production would decrease? But I am always worried, Lisete seems to be doing fine, she is active, laying eggs, did not see nothing suspicious beside that dropped wing for that short instance.

Anyway after searching black star I think you are correct, mine are black stars!
Today is another very sad day for me.

Got to the backyard and only see Lurdete. They come to me always so this is not normal.

That is when I saw feathers scattered around and Lisete body, guts ripped out, flies everywhere.

Got to my CCTV and one goshawk attacked my poor chickens around 6am. Killed Lisete, Lurdete seems to be fine.

So disappointed. So sad to die being pecked.

Now I have my coop door closed, I am afraid the damn goshawk returns tomorrow for more.
Thing is the chicken is feeling miserable there, not much space since she is used to move freely full time in a big garden.

Giving her away already crossed my mind, she deserves a good life and I will not be able to protect her during the day and she feels miserable locked inside.

What would you do?

I never thought this could happen, never heard of one attack like this on a chicken. They usually eat rats, small birds, etc. Not a grown up chicken. I am devastated really, all seemed to be going well.
I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs
I did think your statement about there being no predators was a little naïve as chickens are prey to pretty much everything and wherever you live there is usually some predator that likes chicken, even if they are just domestic dogs, so there is always a risk unless you build a secure run.
Since you have had a bird die with suspected Marek's disease it would be irresponsible to give or sell Lurdete to anyone that has chickens, at the very least without full disclosure. She may appear very healthy but may well be carrying the disease. You may even find that the stress of the goshawk attack or penning her triggers an outbreak of the disease in her. Any chance you could get her a pal.... maybe a duck or two (since they don't get Marek's) and build them a bigger pen attached to the coop with a small water feature for the ducks..... something as simple as a babies bath is all that is needed.

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