urgent response needed mom rejected baby?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 10, 2014
Baby is pushed totaly away from mom but is almost halfway out of shell and breathing with a bit of wiggling. Is it dying? Does she know something i do not? Do i intervene or leave it? Hetlp me please!!!
Carefully, lift the hen and put the hatching chick back under her. It should finish getting itself out of the shell. And then, wet and curled up, it will take a while to dry and then maybe a long rest, as it is great work to hatch itself. But some chicks are ready to "roll" right after they are dry--but if there are more to hatch, make it wait! Do not disturb the hen any more than absolutely necessary. May help to cover her nest box to darken it. Is she a first time "broody"?. Sometimes, they are not as dependable first time. No, she has no idea about the chick, and usually will tuck it back under--but since she did not, she could harm it if visually not understood. More eggs hatching? After a few more, she may relax, but do not check until after dark (flashlight will let you know the activity. You can remove hatched shells at that time. Excessive peeping may indicate a chick that needs tucking back under her. Morning will let you know if "all is well". AND have chick waterers and feed ready --when they have all hatched , and the hen wants to get off the nest--she may not want to for another day--the chicks under her will be fine, but keep them dark until ready to leave the nest. Always exciting--best of luck!
Shoot. I took the baby and wrapped it in a towel. It was getting cold. As soon as i did that she and her three other babies hopp3d up and she broke the extra non viable eggs that ended up under her. Did i just kill this baby?
nature can be cruel .... they know weak ones from healthy ones...I know it seems bad but its the way it is with all animals..sometimes like suggested above can help but don't count on it...
Try to put baby with mom if you can. If she rejects it put it under a heat light asap so it doesn't get cold. Is it moving around or active at all? Mom might sense it's weak and think it's not going to make it, but there's no harm in trying. I've stuck babies in my sweater to keep them warm and had them perk up and be fine. Hatching is tough work!
I treated her for splayed legs and gave her back to mom. So far successful. She is on night two with mama and sisters in the coop!

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