
Cynthia12- very pretty! As a baby and all grown up.

My first hatch is in lock down! I'm nervous! Our new little one is still residing in our bras during the day, waiting for our eggs to hatch for some friends.

Sundancenbare I'm going to have to build one like that, it's perfect. I wish I could get up to you to buy yours but your to far away
I have both Splash Marans and BBS Mottled Ameraucana eggs in my incubator set to hatch May 24th. Would anybody be interested in them if I end up hatching extras? I only need a few for a project. The rest will be available.

Hi Michelle.... I'm interested in your Ameraucanas!!

I know it's a drive, but my sanity needs to stay in question...
Wow, it's fun and informative to read through all the posts since I was on here last! Lots of information to gather.

We found a coop this weekend. My grandson thinks it will make a very nice chicken playhouse. We will have to add a run to it.

So, I have two questions for today.
The first one is about the run - How tall should we make it and should it be covered? The hubs doesn't want to worry about covering it because the birds will be inside the coop at night. If we don't cover it, then he thinks we can get away with making a three foot high run to save some money.
The second question is about the interior. Should I use lime wash or paint? What do you all do? I'm leaning towards lime wash but I'm concerned it won't clean up as easily as a good semi-gloss paint.
Hi Shmeal

Personally, my runs are all covered with a strong 1 inch chicken wire and my coops are like Fort Knox. We have not only horned owls, hawks and eagles but also magpies, who will jerk the eyeballs out of your poor chickens. That, not mentioning the skunks, racoons, weasels and stray cats who will climb your wire, makes us fortify our coops and pens. Furthermore, our wire is either sunk into the ground to prevent digging or have heavy railroad ties surround the base.

Granted, this won't stop any bear that wander through, or any pack of determined coyote, but I've lost poultry to predators before and taking the extra time to have a strong and safe coop and run is far more satisfying and enjoying, then the misery of death and destruction that can easily happen to a coop that is put up without the extra planning for the worst.

Good luck and enjoy your flock!

Size difference between the chicks.
Cynthia12 a good pic of Nym's feathers too

Oh no! Tiny Tot is looking like a boy?! That is a big red comb..and wattles to boot! What? Man, that baby looked like a girl. Love the frizzle..better be a girl!! Too cute from..behind.
I am glad you got another tin tot..I hope that one is a girl! I hope you aren't mad at me if all three turn out to be boys! I hope you can sell them. :/ I bet you can. The serama should sell there. Nice and warm weather for those small birds. (sorry)
I've only done shipped eggs once, and I had freakishly good luck. But, I've been so lucky with my hatches in general. My birds produce such beautiful, healthy chicks that I've been lucky.

Schmeal, that henhouse looks adorable. LOVE IT. I do cover my chicken runs. I use an aviary netting I bought off amazon. It's wonderful for keeping chickens in and predators out. I had a family of raccoons take out my entire flock a couple years ago, and it was so traumatizing. I would suggest you overprotect, rather than see how much protection you need.

When I used to buy mealworms for our leopard gecko, I would buy 1000+ on ebay. It was a fraction of the price I paid at the pet store. I'd put them in a peanut butter jar with wheat bran. I'd keep it in the fridge, and then once a week, I'd take it out of the fridge, add a couple slices of apple, keep it on the counter for 3-4 hours, then put it back in the fridge. They'd keep an awful long time that way, a couple months or so. I haven't bought them for my chickens, but I bet they'd love them.

Hi Whittni!!! It's so good to see you!

Rhl1, good luck on your hatch!! I hope it is absolutely perfect!!

Guess what? I found someone who is ANXIOUS to clean out my chicken coops for the fertilizer!!! I am so excited!

Hey Sundance, what breeds of babies do you think your/my broody chicken has? One looks like a frizzled ameraucana, but I have no idea on the other two, or if I'm even right on the third.
I actually ordered my mealworms off eBay, should be here on Friday. $12.00 for 1000+, so they say. My chicks love them. I can't believe how fast they are gone. Gives them something for them all to run around chasing each other with. My 5 year old thinks its hilarious. So I figured they could get a treat every few days. It can't hurt, right?
Oh, Cynthia don't say that!! I thought that female Seremas have red wattles and comb too? I know Sasha's looks really red though
I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed! Didnt you just put eggs into lock down? How's it going?

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