
Lisa thank you sooooooooo much for Freddy!!!!!! And thanks Red for getting him to me!!!!! :D he is so awesome!!!!!! I opened the box in the car to take a good look at him and he jummped right out and perched himself on my shoulder!!!! Lol I started to picture myself walking around the store with a chicken on my shoulder lol wonder what ppl would say. He is sooooooo calm and chill!!! He seems to be getting along with Big Mamma and the little ones. I will keep posting pics as he grows hoping he stays a he lol. Thanks soooooo much again!!!!!!!

Here he is perched on the hubby's sholder while driving. He went around my neck and jummped over lol. The hubby loves him already :D



I keep them in my garage at night b/c of the little ones. I named the big one Big Mamma b/c even though she is not full grown yet (We got her early March from IFA. Hasen't even sttarted to lay eggs yet!!!) she took the babies litterly under her wing lol. We would go out to our coop in the evening to bring them in and she would be sitting on them!!!!! :D I know she will be an excellent mommy some day.
Lisa thank you sooooooooo much for Freddy!!!!!! And thanks Red for getting him to me!!!!! :D he is so awesome!!!!!! I opened the box in the car to take a good look at him and he jummped right out and perched himself on my shoulder!!!! Lol I started to picture myself walking around the store with a chicken on my shoulder lol wonder what ppl would say. He is sooooooo calm and chill!!! He seems to be getting along with Big Mamma and the little ones. I will keep posting pics as he grows hoping he stays a he lol. Thanks soooooo much again!!!!!!!

Here he is perched on the hubby's sholder while driving. He went around my neck and jummped over lol. The hubby loves him already :D



I keep them in my garage at night b/c of the little ones. I named the big one Big Mamma b/c even though she is not full grown yet (We got her early March from IFA. Hasen't even started to lay eggs yet!!!) she took the babies litterly under her wing lol. We would go out to our coop in the evening to bring them in and she would be sitting on them!!!!! :D I know she will be an excellent mommy some day.

I am so glad he is doing good. I really really REALLY LOVE HIM :hit (sorry, I had to do it)

Why do the sweetest ones always go boyish on me? I am really glad you shared the pictures, we have been wondering how he was doing. I really thought she was a she....but the wattles on "he" are so much bigger than the one twice his size, it has got to be a boy. I hope he makes cute cute babies! I was out watching him the other day, pecking around the yard, and I was eating a bowl of cereal...he ran over to me, hopped up on the edge of my bowl and started drinking the milk. Help yourself litte buddy! lol. I really think Freddie thinks he is a "people". He used to literally "watch" tv while laying on my DH chest.
Oh, Cynthia don't say that!! I thought that female Seremas have red wattles and comb too? I know Sasha's looks really red though
I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed! Didnt you just put eggs into lock down? How's it going?

I have 7 out of 9 hatched. Only three NN's, and these were supposed to be NN's. She puts her NN roosters with a non NN chick. Two blacks and one buff. I am hoping one of the blacks that has a nice bowtie is a girl. The gal I got the eggs from just had a white hatch, she is giving it to me. :) She really thinks it's looking like a girl. We just have to wait. NN's are hard for me to sex early. They seem to all have tight feathers. I try and compare combs if I have a few, the boys really do have a larger comb right off. I see one of them that hatched that isn't a NN..non NN..that I want to keep. Hope it's a girl. I'm like you..no boys. :/ Seramas are so hard to come by. The eggs are hard to hatch. I do have another black one here, that no one has spoken for..I don't think. Sasha..you haven't said if you want it for sure or not? Anyway, if there is any way to get this baby to you again..lol...I would love to give it to you for free if yours is a boy and you can't keep it.
I actually ordered my mealworms off eBay, should be here on Friday. $12.00 for 1000+, so they say. My chicks love them. I can't believe how fast they are gone. Gives them something for them all to run around chasing each other with. My 5 year old thinks its hilarious. So I figured they could get a treat every few days. It can't hurt, right?

You could start raising mealworms. That would give you an endless supply
DH wanted me to start raising them, but wants me to do it outside. Not sure how well that will work.

Casa, I am positive those two sweet SBEL's are boys. Makes me sad as they are so super sweet. I keep trying to integrate them with the slightly older chicks, and they keep getting beet up. They follow me around the yard and jump in my lap. I don't know how baby roos can be so sweet. I am also starting to be suspicious of the Houdan again. I canceled my hatching eggs for them so these are the only ones I will have. I need to reduce breeds and they are the ones that I am having the hardest time with, as far as acquiring quality stock, etc. I suppose if I have a boy that would give me a trio.

Speaking of roo's, I am starting to suspect all but one of my Marans are boys too. The one that I think is a girl, has a crooked toe. I have eggs that were supposed to hatch yesterday, not a pip. I have to say I am really starting to get a bit depressed about this whole adventure.
Ugh Sad about the SBEL's! I was at chickenstock, Daloorashens had a batch the same age as ours, she had them separated boys from girls, huge difference, the boys had big red combs and so different than mine so I am sure I have a girl here, mine looked just like her females. They were from a different breeder, but they looked identical so I am reassured on mine for sure. Here are some pics of the females if you want just to be sure? I should have taken photos of those boys too for you to compare.

My houdan male , I still have kept him, is bright red too now, no doubt left at all. The girls are very light pink and round on the head, he is much more crazy looking lol. If he is not too loud I will keep him, if he crows up a storm he will have to go I guess. He is quite sweet so i hope he is a good boy. They have all been pretty quiet chicks really, hope that extends into adulthood. That is really sad your eggs are not working out!

SBEL's--one is mine, two are Daloorashen's--





Houdans Females

This one I got from Sundance


This one was mine--it is more rounded so more obvious--

The Houdan Male


A pair, side by side comparison..


Eye Candy just for fun! My Snowball Polish and the WCB in the background:


That is sooooo awesome!!! My DH loves chickens that he pick up and handel. I'll have to let him know Freddy likes to watch TV lol :D Its hard letting go especially when you have seen them grow. But i will be posting pics all the time :D.
Ugh Sad about the SBEL's! I was at chickenstock, Daloorashens had a batch the same age as ours, she had them separated boys from girls, huge difference, the boys had big red combs and so different than mine so I am sure I have a girl here, mine looked just like her females. They were from a different breeder, but they looked identical so I am reassured on mine for sure. Here are some pics of the females if you want just to be sure? I should have taken photos of those boys too for you to compare.

My houdan male , I still have kept him, is bright red too now, no doubt left at all. The girls are very light pink and round on the head, he is much more crazy looking lol. If he is not too loud I will keep him, if he crows up a storm he will have to go I guess. He is quite sweet so i hope he is a good boy. They have all been pretty quiet chicks really, hope that extends into adulthood. That is really sad your eggs are not working out!

SBEL's--one is mine, two are Daloorashen's--





Houdans Females

This one I got from Sundance. It's hair is a little crazy like my boy, but it has to be female because it is a month older, bigger, and still just pink, no red at all like my male has had for weeks.


This one was mine--it is more rounded so more obvious--

The Houdan Male


A pair, side by side comparison..


Eye Candy just for fun! My Snowball Polish and the WCB in the background. Isn't she sweet? I can't believe how easily I can handle her, she is a real keeper, so fluffy too!


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I've only done shipped eggs once, and I had freakishly good luck. But, I've been so lucky with my hatches in general. My birds produce such beautiful, healthy chicks that I've been lucky.

Schmeal, that henhouse looks adorable. LOVE IT. I do cover my chicken runs. I use an aviary netting I bought off amazon. It's wonderful for keeping chickens in and predators out. I had a family of raccoons take out my entire flock a couple years ago, and it was so traumatizing. I would suggest you overprotect, rather than see how much protection you need.

When I used to buy mealworms for our leopard gecko, I would buy 1000+ on ebay. It was a fraction of the price I paid at the pet store. I'd put them in a peanut butter jar with wheat bran. I'd keep it in the fridge, and then once a week, I'd take it out of the fridge, add a couple slices of apple, keep it on the counter for 3-4 hours, then put it back in the fridge. They'd keep an awful long time that way, a couple months or so. I haven't bought them for my chickens, but I bet they'd love them.

Hi Whittni!!! It's so good to see you!

Rhl1, good luck on your hatch!! I hope it is absolutely perfect!!

Guess what? I found someone who is ANXIOUS to clean out my chicken coops for the fertilizer!!! I am so excited!

Hey Sundance, what breeds of babies do you think your/my broody chicken has? One looks like a frizzled ameraucana, but I have no idea on the other two, or if I'm even right on the third.

Remember charge them $20.00 to clean your coop. she has sizzles seramas and Frizzled Americanas

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