
Bad news--something got into the Isbar coop I have in the garage last night. I had 18 7 week old Isbars out there and whatever it was killed 9 of them. Bunch of blood going from the nesting area down the board that goes down to the run and soaked into the bedding at the bottom. Most of the birds look like they might have been shaken to death. Several of them have leg wounds. Whatever it was left 7 alive and okay and 2 more alive but looking damaged/traumatized. We think it might have been the little obnoxious yappy mutt our neighbors have that keeps getting loose from them and chasing our cats. It was in our yard again yesterday trying to chase my 6 year old and could easily have seen the birds in the garage before our neighbor caught it. There were a couple of dents in the hardware cloth near the door, all the dead chicks piled in one corner. The only way it could have gotten in is by lifting the lid on the nesting box, which it could pretty easily have done (that's been corrected now). What a mess.

Daloorashens-- I don't think it is a good time to take more chicks, unfortunately, se we will pass on the SFH this time.

WOW, my sympathies!!!!
So sad to hear... true, sounds like a dog. Hope your injured two recover quickly... poor things!!
A breeding program without roos sounds kind of difficult, lol... would have to be kind of paranoid about disease and such, unless all your birds originated from the same place...

corvidea... oh man, so sorry about your isbars!! That is SAD!!

I need to write birdguy again about grabbing the legbar cockerel... he's not going to the stewpot, Sphinx has spoken for him, lol...

SFH= Swedish Flower Hens really pretty birds with mille fleur type feathering in all diffferent colors, good layers of large cream eggs, some have crests, some do not.. They are a landrace bird from Sweden (go figure)

Going to post here and then put up an ad on KSL... my blue wheaten Ameracauna roo is for sale ($10 for anyone on here, will be $15 on KSL), if anyone wants him... time to make room for my birds for next year, and the Ameracaunas got booted!!
Mesha, I'm interested in your Blue Wheaten Ameracauna roo... haven't gotten one yet to round out my Blue Wheaten flock. Maybe it can come down to Utah with the Legbar cockerel. Please PM me your address so that I can get you the $$. Thanks so much!!

buy a decrowed rooster or advertize for a roo that does not crow
What a great idea!!!!!

So, that's it then. Threw out 16 dead eggs. None even made an effort to pip. I think they were already dead before my other two were ready. The remaining two might be moving, but I really doubt it. I'm betting all I have that them 'moving' is just me moving the egg.

I almost wanna buy chicks to make myself feel better, but that's a bad idea. Sorry for being a downer.
My neighbor is having the same problem. They are a day or two away from pipping then.... gone.
Ugh, just got home from work and 3more of the Isbars are dead, four of the others look shocky. We had brought a few of the ones that didn't look so good yesterday into the brooder room in the house. At least one of them is bleeding somewhere (rectal, probably--?internal injuries). There's blood soaked into their bedding in the brooder. None of them look particularly good. Isbars are so relatively fragile to start with that I'm thinking most of them aren't going to make it. So much for my pretty Isbar flock. Looks like Asher might have room for an Ameraucana flock after all.
Does anyone have a chick they are willing to part with? We hatched out a lone little cream Legbar boy a couple of days ago and I really don't want to buy a chick at the feed store after the last mess I saw there.
Yesterday was a great day to be home. I needed to move around a bit so Ed took me to the movies. Star Trek of course. He enjoyed it while I was more obsessed with the fact my pulse ox meter back light was not working and I had to keep turning on my cell phone light to read the guage. In hindsight probably should have stayed home but need to get my strength back, I also decided to lock the chickens up my self and walked out to cluckingham palace to shut the door. Just inside the door I have a nest box and could see a pile of feathers. It was dark and I didn't have a flashlight. I thought ohhhh who died. I reached in my hand to pull the pile out and wow did I get an ear full from one of my tiny A size very broody frizzle Serama hen. Now that was funny. She was so irate to be interrupted from her nest. Hubby tells me that she had been setting about 3 days on 5 tiny eggs. I just laughed as I had been told that the very small A size seramas NEVER go broody. Guess she did not get the memo.
Guesswhat! I candled my SG eggs, every single egg is veining! Woot!
Cynthia, this is the seller you found on EBAY a while back, I have been chatting back and forth with him for quite awhile, good price on eggs. Not on BYC... I would never have looked and found him so thank you! SO much better than the others I have been buying. The only drawback, is they are SG to SG bred, no silkies, so not sure how the bowties and such will turn out. I am really hopeful now though, if only my bator cooperates!
Guesswhat! I candled my SG eggs, every single egg is veining! Woot!
Cynthia, this is the seller you found on EBAY a while back, I have been chatting back and forth with him for quite awhile, good price on eggs. Not on BYC... I would never have looked and found him so thank you! SO much better than the others I have been buying. The only drawback, is they are SG to SG bred, no silkies, so not sure how the bowties and such will turn out. I am really hopeful now though, if only my bator cooperates!

Does anyone have a chick they are willing to part with? We hatched out a lone little cream Legbar boy a couple of days ago and I really don't want to buy a chick at the feed store after the last mess I saw there.
I have this little BSL bantam, its not very big for 2 weeks. You could just pretend its a bantam Dominique pullet for a couple months.
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