
Mine love my tomatoes too. If I break off branches or pull volunteers, I put them in the coop and they go nuts for them. The also love dandelions and morning glory. I "grow" weeds behind my shed that I pull and throw in there as well.

Still trying to think of a way to keep mine out of the garden too, but I usually just chase them out when they're free ranging. I'm excited for fall when I can turn them loose on the plants.
Probably, but who cares?
I'm new here but have been a reader for awhile. I'm in Ut County and I'm seriously obsessed!!!

I guess I fall into the crazy, over-doing-it category, too. I planted a field of oat, rye, wheat, triticale and pasture grass for my flock. Also some broccoli, cabbage and other greens to feed them.
Question? Does anyone know what to cross to make a Freedom Ranger meat bird? I bought some earlier in the year to raise and in the meantime I hatched some of my barnyard mix and I have about 3-4 that look identical to the FR chicks I bought earlier so I know I have the combo I just need to figure out what it is. They say that the parent stock originates from France and I have several different Marans, which I highly suspect is part of the cross, but I'm not sure what else. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I'll have to keep that in mind for next year. I like the tomato idea because it gives them shade while they do their dusting and they love red.

They like to dig, roll and hide under the tomato plants. I'll be surprised if my tomatoes make it this year. Ah well I'm having to much fun enjoying the chickens. Besides I can only handle one project at a time while I'm growing my own baby.
Hello again from Orem. I was confirmed what I didn't want to know. My ducks are BOTH males! I don't want smelly messy ducks that won't give us eggs in return so they have to go. I'm willing to take an offer but am more open to trading for any other kind of poultry. Thank you!
I'll have to keep that in mind for next year. I like the tomato idea because it gives them shade while they do their dusting and they love red.

They like to dig, roll and hide under the tomato plants. I'll be surprised if my tomatoes make it this year. Ah well I'm having to much fun enjoying the chickens. Besides I can only handle one project at a time while I'm growing my own baby.

It wasn't really a project, we just spread it on the ground and water it. I just realized I planted way more than they can eat.
If anyone is interested in some beautiful, excellent laying birds, let me know. I hatched a bunch of barnyard mix chicks from my flock and I need to get rid of them. Also, if anyone what's roosters for raising or eating, I don't care, I have a bunch of them, too. I will try to post pics but I've never done it before so I'm not sure how successful I will be.

My flock consists of:

Black Copper Marans
Golden Cuckoo Marans
Blue-laced Red Wyandottes
Blue Wheaton Ameracauna
White/Multi Ameracauna
Black Australorp
Speckled Sussex

RIR/Ameracauna mix (some lay green and blue eggs as well as the brown from these mixes)
Cuckoo Marans
Black Australorp
Red Sexlink
Light Brahma

So as you can see there are a lot of pretty combinations! They range in age from 10-12 weeks old. I'm asking $13 for 6 roos or a baker's dozen for $25 and $10 for the pullets. I also have Blue Andalusion chicks that are 3 weeks old for $7. I will give a discount to anyone from BYC. They are also listed on ksl.com so let me know you're from BYC when you call. There's pics on ksl.com if you want to see them. I tried to post here but not that tech-savy. Thanks! 801-400-9707

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