Va Snow

Couldnt forget the beer, or it could have been a disaster, at least with enough snow your sure the beer will stay cold.
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Firewood is stacked and covered
Got new snowpants and boots for the kids that needed them
Christmas shopping done
Stockpiled feed for the animals
Grocery shopping done

I guess I'm ready as I'll ever be.

The woodstove is going and it's nice and cozy in here. I got everything I needed to finish my Christmas cards and newsletter earlier, so I'll just work on that and watch the snow come down.

well just went out and checked on my chickens..............HMMMMM my runs all had about 6+ inches. Pheasants was all out in the snow roosting with about an inch of snow on them. Good thing we are remodling and I had all kinds of old paneling that I stuck up around my pens to keep the snow from blowing in on them...Not too pretty but it keeps them warmer. Glad no one could see me, hoodie, shorts, knee socks and boots...LOL dragin paneling off the back porch and putting up around my lots.... We thought my Standard Blue cochins that free range had gone missing since they were not roosting in the dog pen they usually do...FOund them in the garage next to the brooder box's with chickens!!

Here are a few pictures I took on the way home from work. Took me 2hrs to make a 20 min drive home... we've gotten a few more inches since then, and I did not make it all the way up my driveway

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I saw you tried to take a picture, but it came out blury. I was on my way past to visit Belle, she said
I brought COCOA, just in case she didnt have enough
Well, we have shoveled off the porches numerous times and it seems that when you turn around they are white again
fighting a loosing battle we were going to go later today to get the kids some cover-alls but I don't think that is gonna happen. Not sure how much snow we had gotten before the down-pour of sleet moved in but is certainly was piled high. I'd say possible 10 inches (not sure though).

Had to go to town to pick up a few things yesterday....can't stand going to town on a Friday....well, with the snow coming in, it took me almost 40 minutes to make a 20 minute trip (one way) and on the way home I stopped by Food Lion.....oh, my.....stood in the check-out line for 20 minutes or more!!!!! I understand though

To me the way some people flock to the stores when they hear the word snow........I just wonder how much food they really have.....I have enough for at least 2 months worth for my family, just in case, but it always amazes me.

Sure hope you all faired pretty well through this..............until next time.....................
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The whole world is white this morning!

While my coffee was brewing, I shoveled a kitty-cat peepee path out the back door and around to underneath the deck. Yes, this would be a good time to have a litter box.

The snow was almost to the top of my boots. Maybe it was heaped up around the door... Still, I'd say we're getting the full 18 inches. And it's still snowing. A lot.

If you guys never hear from me again, you'll know that I had a heart attack trying to shovel my way out the the chicken coops!
As of this morning at 7:45am I measured our back deck at 15". It had slowed up some but as I'm typing and looking out the back door - it's picking back up. It sounds like we may get at least another 6" or more. Hopefully the picture below will show up for you guys.


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