Va Snow

farmin'chick :

Wading through snow as it falls down into your boots sure wakes you up fast

Well, when I lived in the snowy north, I learned....first pair of tube socks over the bottom of the longjohns, second pair on the outside of the jeans, then rolled down over the top of the boot...That way the boot top is full of jeans and socks and the outer sock covers the laces to keep them from getting cold feet!​

Hmm... excellent advice!
Most mornings I just put coveralls on over my PJs and jam on some rubber boots.
I was baffled by 16 inches of snow!​
I was thinking that this morning when I went out to the girls to see if they were ok. Half my leg disappeared when I made my first step. Thankfully my boots held tight, but my jeans were quite chilly up to my knees!
This snow storm brought over 12" to us and we were left without power from the 18th until the 26th, some still don't have power. We had no water, the national guard had to ship some in to us and we had to drive to KY and way out in TN to get gas and propane so we could stay warm and eat. All our stuff had to be put in coolers and packed with snow from the yard to keep it. I had to live with my in-laws for over a week. I lost all my chicks and all my chickens. My chicks didn't have heat and my chicken runs were destroyed and the dogs from across the hill got them. I lost chicks, chickens, turkeys, fish, birds, you name it, it's gone.

I HATE SNOW! I want to move to Hawaii!!

JBOWEN, do you have power yet??
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