Vamp-A-Billy Princess what prize did you win?

I think she won the photo contest for Easter Eggers. But I'm not sure.
Here's part of the thread where the question is answered:

Written by Vampabilly: "You guys are so sweet. I feel like I won a prize everytime I get a new title. LOL. I am so addicted. Thank god for this computer phone. I carry you guys in my purse with me everywhere I go!"

So the mods changed her quote to "I won a prize".
Okay you really have to give me a prize! Haha. I guess when you have posted this much in such a short time they invent a title for you. No need to get jealous y'all...its a joke. Now you guys are all in the loop. I get a ton of PMs asking what I've won. I would be glad to accept some eggs. Hint hint....

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