Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Cats, dogs, pretty much all mammals NEVER drink milk once they leave mom! It's not normal. And don't you think it's gross to drink someone else's milk? It's not healthy! But we all have are opinions so....

Well for a certain percentage of the human population, drinking milk was so normal as to give a evolutionary advantage to those with the ability to digest milk..... Truth is that scavengers or omnivores take advantage of whatever foodstuffs they come across. Dogs, people, monkeys, apes, etc., will all eat dairy, drink milk if they come across it, so what is normal depends on the definition of "normal". What is abnormal is the large quantity of food in general available today, which is what allows someone to follow a strict diet, such as vegan-ism if they so choose. In the past, that would have been a luxury only afforded to the most privileged. Same with a diet high in dairy or meat. Neither of these types of diets were common until the agricultural revolution of the past century or so. To me, a diet that is unbalanced, in any way, seems "abnormal" considering the evolutionary pattern of eating - a pattern of adaptability and opportunism, which is ongoing, and changing over the millennia, as is all evolutionary adaptation.
Cats, dogs, pretty much all mammals NEVER drink milk once they leave mom! It's not normal. And don't you think it's gross to drink someone else's milk? It's not healthy! But we all have are opinions so....
They don't drink it only because they don't have access to it. A lot of animals will drink milk if they can get it. Here is a list of just some of the critters I have personally seen drink milk. All of them were well past weaning by the way. Monkeys, chimps, adult lactating dairy goats, dogs, cats, hogs, chickens, turkeys, ducks, skunks, pet rats, opossums, bears, and raccoons. Some breeders offer new mother hamsters, rabbits and guinea pigs small amounts of bread soaked in milk. Just because you think milk is not healthy does not mean it isn't. The superb condition of my milk fed livestock spoke for itself. Some people and animals can't tolerate milk, but those that can thrive on it.
I got a vegan recipe from a co-worker. I made pecan patties. :rolleyes: She told me that it tastes like a burger. I must have done something wrong because it didn't taste like any burger I've ever eaten. :/



Hello everyone!!
What will the vegetarians & vegans be having for the holidays? We have a raw speaker coming to our veggie meeting Dec 12th & I'll be making my famous raw sweet potatoe pie! Everyone loves it and say it tastes like pumpkin pie. I will also be makin a little drink for everyone, not sure yet what I want to mix up yet
. I'll post recipes & hope everyone can post some of goodies they will be making ?
I have quite a few recipes for vegan burgers and I have decided that I am happiest if I don't think of them as burgers. They never taste quite the same, and it is disappointing to think "burger". This is my favorite recipe for burgers and I usually double it and freeze some of the patties once they are dehydrated.

1 cup walnuts - soak for 4 hours
1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes soak and reserve 1/8 cup of water.
Process nuts, tomatoes and liquid until meaty. Add:
1/2 onion very finely chopped
1 tsp nama shoyu or tamari
1/2 tsp black pepper
paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, to your taste. (cayenne or 1/2 jalapeno are
Mix together and make 4 patties. Dehydrate for 1 hour. If you don't have a dehydrator, you can do this in a very cool oven with the door open a few inches.

For thanksgiving week: I am bringing a brocolli salad with dried cranberries, red onions and chopped walnuts in a sweet vinegarette; fresh cranberry orange relish; and a blueberry pie to my husband's family pot luck Thanksgiving dinner. I always like to bring a few things I can and will eat that are not meat and processed food.. . . fresh and uncooked fruit and vegetable dishes and then fill in with the sweet potatoes and squash. The pie will be gluten free with GF crust on the bottom and topping similar to apple crisp topping - oatmeal, coconut oil (or you can use butter if you are not vegan) and sweetener of your choice (sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup).

For my kids and grandkids who will be around this coming week from out of state and out of the country, (plus the local ones of course), I went through my recipes and decided to have on hand some:
hummus and crackers
salad with spinach and strawberries
garlic string beans
vegan raw sweet potato souffle
harvest soup with squash/ apples and maple syrup in the recipe
raw mashed potatoes (actually made with parsnips and cashews -- no potatoes)
maple walnut ice cream -- raw vegan
potato latke pancakes

Here'a a few raw pie crust recipes:

1 cup shredded coconut, 1 cup walnuts, 4 dates, 1/4 tsp salt - process and press into pie plate and refrigerate

1 and 1/2 cups walnuts, 3 dates - process and press into pie plate

1 cup cashews, 1 cup walnuts, 3/4 cup dates, pinch sea salt - process. place 1/4 cup shredded coconut on pie plate and pat crust on top of that.

If anyone is interested in any of these recipes let me know.
:) Paula
Hi Free Feather,
I just got your personal message and it took a while for me to log on. I'm working today, finishing and going hiking all the while taking care of a critically ill cat (she's doing better today). My rescue hens have all been adopted. I'm not set up for winter care of hens, but who knows, maybe I will rescue more in the spring. I'm so glad to see more people embracing veganism and reducing their consumption of meat and eggs for health, environment or ethical reasons. It brings a bit of joy and hope to my heart. I'm also looking forward to more Veggs in the marketplace. If they can produce pea protein-based Vegg cheaper than eggs, then the chickens will have a major victory. Did you see Free Bird around Thanksgiving 2013? It was sooo good. Very nice message. BTW, I'm in Canada.
I am a semi vegetarian meaning I am mostly vegetarian except when my family is here. I was a vegetarian for 10 years at one time. I couldn't be a vegan because I eat my eggs. Also, have Celiacs so no wheat and no meat make t difficult to eat in some places. Eliminating dairy would be a real burden on top of the other two.

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