Vegetarians ( and Vegans ) Thread!!!

Maybe that one particular container of yogurt you purchased was from a bad batch or it had spoiled. I would give it another try and try different brand --as far as adding a fruit taste to it- I generally use something like Polaner All Fruit(-the jelly that is only sweetened with fruit juice) , they have lots of different flovors, or sometimes I just use honey and a mashed up banana.

I don't want to discourage you but it is gawd awful.
It is VERY bitter! I initially thought that I had picked up the wrong container. I had to read, read AND re-read it over and over again to make sure that it was in fact Greek Non-Fat Yogurt. And it was.

I would rather eat my chicken's lay pellets then to eat that stuff. YUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!
My taste buds must be different because so many people give it rave reviews, which is why I decided to try it. I'm so glad that I only wasted $1.00 on this crap. My customer review for this is that I am VERY disappointed. I will never buy this again nor will I recommend this to anyone.
Maybe that one particular container of yogurt you purchased was from a bad batch or it had spoiled. I would give it another try and try different brand --as far as adding a fruit taste to it- I generally use something like Polaner All Fruit(-the jelly that is only sweetened with fruit juice) , they have lots of different flovors, or sometimes I just use honey and a mashed up banana.

I don't want to discourage you but it is gawd awful. :sick It is VERY bitter! I initially thought that I had picked up the wrong container. I had to read, read AND re-read it over and over again to make sure that it was in fact Greek Non-Fat Yogurt. And it was. :/

I would rather eat my chicken's lay pellets then to eat that stuff. YUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!

My taste buds must be different because so many people give it rave reviews, which is why I decided to try it. I'm so glad that I only wasted $1.00 on this crap. My customer review for this is that I am VERY disappointed. I will never buy this again nor will I recommend this to anyone.

You may be right. I"ll give it another go ahead and see what happens. :fl
There are many vegetarian lunch meats out there, The one I like is "Smart Deli" the bologna style. If you were to ask me if it tastes like real lunch meat--I really wouldn't really know anymore- I've been a vegetarian for over 10 years, so I don't know what the "real" stuff tastes like anymore.They are sold in either the produce section or the dairy section of the supermarket

I have another question for the vegetarians. I love meat sandwiches, so I am wondering what do you all eat in place of a meat sandwich? What's your substitution?
I know exactly what you're talking about (Smart Deli). I have seen that in the stores. I may buy some and try it. Thanks for your reply.

There are many vegetarian lunch meats out there,  The one I like is "Smart Deli" the bologna style. If you were to ask me if it tastes like real lunch meat--I really wouldn't really know anymore-  I've been a vegetarian for over 10 years, so I don't know what the "real" stuff tastes like anymore.They are sold in either the produce section or the dairy section of the supermarket

I have another question for the vegetarians. I love meat sandwiches, so I am wondering what do you all eat in place of a meat sandwich? What's your substitution?
I have another question for the vegetarians. I love meat sandwiches, so I am wondering what do you all eat in place of a meat sandwich? What's your substitution?

There are lots of "Fake Lunch meats" you can choose from. I'm not a big fan of bread so I don't eat them often but so far all of the fake lunch meats have tasted okay. I sometimes use leftover veggie meat such as hamburger, chicken nuggets, riblets, etc on bread.
I have a question for all of you guys. In planning an event, is Risotto a good choice to make sure our veggie brethren are considered? We're working with a hotel that doesn't have a whole lot of choices. We're going to make sure the Risotto is made with vegetable broth.
Risotto wouldn't be a good choice if there is cheese in it. Even if the people aren't vegan there are many vegetarians who won't eat chees due to the fact that rennet is in many cheeses.

I have a question for all of you guys. In planning an event, is Risotto a good choice to make sure our veggie brethren are considered? We're working with a hotel that doesn't have a whole lot of choices. We're going to make sure the Risotto is made with vegetable broth.
Thanks! If we ask the hotel to leave out the cheese is it still edible, or would it be tasteless? This hotel is very low on choices

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