
Yesterday was a very hard day, still trying to wrap my head around it, charolette got worse am I had to take her to the vet to be euthanized, poor girl had given up so I needed to take her out of her pain, the barn will not be the same with out her
Posted condolences on the other thread .... but really - I am so sorry - and wishing you the best for the treatment on the others !!!1
Thank you the others should be fine, it was heartbreaking but I think she found comfort in my rubbing her head while she passed, first time I have been around for a euthanasia
Oh - it is free entrance to the fair today - so you could take advantage of that ....

I can't do anything today - I'm writing a long report for my planning commission - including a budget ....

I can assure you - the animals DO take comfort in us being there - there is no question in my mind - having done this for my beloved dogs a few times .... I know the dogs like they are people/family members - and know didn't understand - but were comforted w/me by their side and petting and softly talking.

Sniff ....
So sorry Baking :( At least you were there for her at the end.

So, Lacie's broody again :eek: It is very unusual for a goose to go broody and be laying eggs this late in the season. I went out to feed everybody today and she didn't turn up, so I popped into the coop and she was all hunkered into her corner, not moving or getting up when I approached. I was about to lift her up and check her over for injuries when I felt an egg under her. She has a few under there. This presents a dilemma - I can't get goose eggs this late, and I have no male so of course they are not fertile. I could give her duck eggs but I'm not sure how she'd do with the ducklings. She seemed to like the ones I got from ideal when I showed them to her. Or I could give her chicken eggs, because I know she likes chicks as she often watches over them when broodies have them, but then that's a huge goose with tiny chicks, and if it rains and the wet spot in the yard fills up she'd try to take them swimming...
If it were me - I'd break her - even a good brood - will have them very young when cold weather hits - then wet and cold - not a good way to die for little peeps.

I know it is pretty tempting - maybe if you could get goose eggs ....
Ducklings are pretty resilient, so I think I'm gonna go with that. Geese are pretty darn hard to break and I was going to hatch ducklings anyway. Ducklings are fast little growers, too, much faster than chicks, and of course they don't mind the wet. I'll look around for goose eggs, but I wouldn't want to spend the money unless it was for sebastopols, and it's way late for a goose to be brooding and laying, so I'm probably out of luck on that front.
Here are 3 of my I said, they're not perfect. But they're pretty and I'll get some better ones in the spring. I think for 'hatchery' birds these could be worse. They were about 13 weeks in this photo.
These guys are still very pretty !

I think we all started w/hatchery birds until we settled on the breed we wanted - then searched out people who were breeding quality birds .... so never appologize for that !!! :)

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