Very unusual chick, Guinea / chicken hybrid!!

I have got heaps of different bird locked up together making hybrids

so far I have
4 eggs from chicken x quails
6 eggs from call dewarf ducks x seb geese
3 eggs from palm urkey x sebright

I hope to try a black swan x whistling duck next
It looks like the black gene from the black barred father has expressed in your latest hybrid. Very interesting.
Yes it looks identical to a Cuckoo colour chicken chick, will be interesting to see how that pattern comines with the guinea pattern! Should be a very interesting looking bird! Second hybrid is up and running.... both together in a brooder and are very tame! I like that there are 2 as my older hybrids really do prefer to hang with each other rather than the chickens or Guineas. They are getting more stocky and more colourful as they age.
Hope the second hybrid this latest hatch does ok & you find time to post a pic of same.

How old are the earlier bred hybrids now?
I have got heaps of different bird locked up together making hybrids

so far I have
4 eggs from chicken x quails
6 eggs from call dewarf ducks x seb geese
3 eggs from palm urkey x sebright

I hope to try a black swan x whistling duck next

To add to this I am hoping for some incompletely autosomal dominant hybrids with more symmetrical colours also a few duclair mutation in the mix (d/d) - (D+/-):- md/md, Bl/bl+ li/li, e+/e+, Bl/bl+ m^d/m^d, Li+/?, D+/d

Will post heaps more soon for all the specialist hybrid lovers here

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